5= " Not enough to be hurt. "

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~⁠>⁠'⁠)~⁠~NO ONE 's POV~⁠~('<~ :

" Angie. . . you should go get some rest now. " Cherri Bomb says as she helps Angel dust to walk up the stairs for his room. " What the fuck did i miss ? " Lucifer asks. . . " Ah, dad. Angel dust got kidnapped so we had to go get him back ! Im worried if one of us gets hurt. . . " The princess said. " Well. . . atleast now hes back with us . " The radio demon said with a still smile on his face. " Oh , guys- Welcome back ! Are yall okay ! ? " Niffty says. " Yes. . . we are. . . " Vaggie says.

_-~'Angel dust 's POV '~-_ :

I walk up the stairs as Cherri keeps asking me questions of how i felt and if i was injured.
We finally got in my room as i lie on my bed. Cherri sitting next to me and Fat Nuggets getting on the bed just to get near me. " You sure you arent hurt ? I swear one day i 'll kill that fucking bastard. . . " Cherri Bomb said in an angry tone. " Yes i am! Dont worry Cherri. Next time i 'll try to be more careful , okay ? " I say to make her calm down. " Okay. . . "

~- 4 hours later -~
( still Angel Dust's POV ) :

I finally felt good, i got up from bed and picked other clothes to put on because the one i had were all dirty.
As i did that, i give Fat Nuggets some food and i walk down stairs. Everyone was still there. Then Niffty approaches near me. " Yes , Niffty ? " " Angie ! Im so so so sorry for earlier, it was my fault ! I shouldn't have put the blame on you. . . " Niffty says. " Awh , dont worry , Niffty ! Im okay now. Its not that big of a deal so don't worry ! " I say with a smile on my face. " Really ? " I nod.
As me and Niffty continue talking , i see Husk glancing at me , then looked away. " Oh , Niffty. . . i have to go now , okay ? " " Okay ! I 'll continue cleaning then ! " Niffty says as she run. I go near Husk. " Husky , hello ! " " . . . What do you want now , Angel " Husk says. " Ha ? Still so grumpy arent ya ? Anyways . . . can you get me a drink ? Everything 's fine. " Husk sighs as he gets my favourite drink.
" Thank you , Husky ~ " I say as he nods.

~- the next day -~
( NO ONE 'S POV ) :

Its 5 am , only Husk is in the lobby. Then he sees someone behind the shadows , it was Angeldust. " Where are you going ? " Husk asks Angeldust. " Uh - Oh im going to work. See ya later then. " Angeldust says. Husk didnt even ask himself why Angeldust didnt keep his flirting tone , he just ignored it. At 8 am everyone was in the lobby , so Husk wasnt alone anymore. Angeldust , as he said , he got to work. A bit scared of Val after what happened yesterday. At 10 pm, he finally got to the hotel again. Husk , Niffty , Charlie and Alastor were the only ones awake. " Oh, hello , Angeldust ! Was today at work good ? " Charlie asks. " Yeah, everything was good today. Atleast Val didnt get mad. " Angeldust says. Then Angel dust gets near Husk once more. " The usual ? " Husk asks as Angeldust nods.

The days passed.
√•' Angel dust's POV '•√

Its morning , i get up from bed even more tired than i was when i got to sleep. I looked at Fat nuggets who oinked happily as i pat his head.
" You 're hungry , arent ya , Nuggies ? " I tell Fat Nuggets as i get him some food for him to eat.
Today is Saturday and Val needs to decide if i need to go to work or not. . . " Still. . . this is not good enough to be hurt. . . " I tell myself as some tears come out of my eyes. Fat Nuggets looking at me trying to understand why i was crying , so he just oinked. Then i hear some knocks on my door, " Angel ? Are you awake ? Breakfast is ready ! " Charlie tells me , i could tell that she had a smile behind the door. " Yes , i am awake ! I 'll come down now. " I tell her as i putted my normal clothes on. Then i go downstairs to see everyone already sitting and talking, i go near them and pick a random chair to sit on. Alastor sits next to me : " Goodmorning , Angel. How are you feeling ? " The radio demon asks me. " Goodmorning , Alastor . Im feeling good today. " " Really ? But i heard you crying when i was past the hallway. " Alastor says , i stop talking for a few seconds . " Uh. . . nevermind. Lets start eating now. " I say.

~- to be continued -~

Hello ! This is the author.
This is part 5 , i hope yall enjoyed it !

Today, i 'll publish part 6 too !

788 words.

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