The Deer and the Spider

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of SA, Mentions of Abuse

*** Angel Dust's PoV ***

Today was a really hard day at the studio. Val was being unreasonable and kept yelling at me to work harder. He was doing too much. Plus, before I left, he forced himself onto me and I had to deal with that for like an hour.

I walk back to the hotel as quickly as I can and I feel my head growing fuzzy. Shit. This can't be happening, not right now. I open the door and run head-first to someone, causing me to fall to my bottom. I look up to find it was none other than Y/N. Shit.

The boy offers me his hand to get up and I accept it.

"Are you ok, Angel?" He asks.

"Y-yeah. It's ok, don't worry about it," I lie, blinking back tears as my headspace creeps up on me.

I push past Y/N and try running up the stairs to my room, to no avail. I run into Alastor and he decides now would be the perfect time to have a conversation.

"Why, hello, Angel. How are you on this fine day?" Alastor asks.

"Al, now's not the best time," I say, struggling to fight back tears and repress my headspace.

"Well, someone's sure struggling to hide his-"

I cut him off. "Don't."

I shove past him and stumble the rest of the way to my room, slamming then locking the door behind me.

I walk over to my closet and dig up my box. From it, I pull out a black pacifier with little glowing stars, my baby blanket, and a blue pull-up.

I quickly change, then crawl into bed and turn on Scooby Doo. Tears stream down my face as I think about the events of the day, and I hold Fat Nuggets close.

After three episodes, I've calmed down quite a bit and I start babbling along with the show. I was actually starting to feel ok until somebody knocked on my door.

I throw my comforter over me to hide my pull-up and do everything I can to pull myself out of my headspace.

"Go away!" I shout in my best "big" voice.

"Now, dear, that's no way to speak to an adult. I'm coming in," Alastor chides.

He opens the door and I immediately start crying. Alastor couldn't know. He couldn't see me like this. He walks in and closes the door behind him. He sits beside me on the edge of my bed.

"Shh, it's ok, dear. I'm not going to hurt you," Alastor soothes.

I squirm uncomfortably in my wet pull-up and hope Alastor doesn't notice.

He noticed.

"Where do you keep them, love?" He asks in a very gentle tone.

I lazily point to the closet.

*** Alastor's PoV ***

I noticed Angel squirming, which really only meant one thing, he had an accident. As a little myself, I'm able to tell what even the slightest gestures mean.

I walk over to his closet and find his box of little things. I grab a fresh pull-up and walk back to Angel.

"Ok, dear. I need you to lay down for me, ok? I promise I won't hurt you, ok, love?" I ask.

He timidly pulls the comforter off his lap and lays down for me.

I quickly but getnly undo the tape and wipe him down, then change him into the clean pull-up. After I change him, I pull him onto my lap and I bounce him on my leg.

"How old are you, dear?" I ask.

Clearly he was young enough that he still needed to wear a pull-up, so I gues aroung two or three.

He holds up two fingers.

"You're a precious little one, then, huh? It's ok, baby. I'm a little, too..."

His ears twitch upon hearing this. "Reawy?"

"Mhm. I'm anywhere between one and four."

"Can you pway wif me?" He asks sweetly.

"What do you mean, dear?"

"Be wittle! Pwease?" The little boy pleads.

"If I do that, I'm going to need to get and adult to watch us. Is this ok, babe?" I explain. "To make sure neither of us gets hurt... and in case one of us has an accident."

"Mmm, otay."

"Ok, wait here for me. I'll be back in a few minutes."

I get up and go find Charlie.

By the time I found her, I had already slipped headspaces.

"Hey, Al. What's up?"

"Charwie? You come pways wif me 'n Angel?"

"Oh, you're little. How old are you, bub? And yes, I'll play with you and Angel. But first let's get you changed, ok?"

"No!" I whine.

"How old are you, baby?"

I hold up two fingers.

"You're really little, then. Come here, bub," she syas, picking me up. "Let's go get you changed, hon."

*** Charlie's PoV ***

I wasn't expecting Alastor to come to me regressed at all. He'd been ok for the past few days, but maybe something happened? Another thing that flew out of left field was that fact that he brought up Angel Dust.

I carry the little to his room and sit him on his bed.

"Ok, Al, do you wanna pick out what you're going to wear?" I ask as I pull out his box of little things.

Alastor nods and crawls over to me. He ends up picking out blue ripped jeans and a dinosaur tee shirt. I also pull out a diaper, snice he's under five.

"No! Don't nee' it! 'm big!" He protests.

"Baby, please? You don't wanna keep Angel waiting, do you?"

He shakes his head and allows me to get him changed.

After I get him changed, I pop his pacifier into his mouth and carry him to Angel Dust's room.

"Angel? Can we come in?" I knock.

"Hi Angel! I camesed back!"

The door opened shortly after he heard Alastor's voice. Angel was wearing nothing but a pull-up.

"Hi Awastor!" Angel cheers as I set Al down. "Hi Chawie!"

"Hi, Angel. How old are you, bubs?" I ask.

He also holds up two fingers, then crawls over to Alastor and they start playing dinosaurs.

*** Time-Skip, brought to you by Lucifer's Ducks ***

After about an hour, both littles were yawning and fighting to stay awake.

"Looks like it's time for bed, huh?"

They both just nod, so I pick them up one at a time and lay them in Angel's bed.

I tuck them in and sing to them until they doze off.

"Good night, little ones."



Hello, loves. This one's super long, I know. Hope it was good, though. Have an amazing day! Also, remember to leave suggestions on the request page.

Love you!


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