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Time flew by, and it was soon time for the wedding. The dresses were delivered and everything was almost set.

My family came down yesterday, they'll be sleeping over.

I was casually sitting on the couch and reading with my legs over Jasper's lap. My mom sat on the other side with Faye in her arms.

There was then a knock on the door and Carlisle ran for it.

"Aro! What a pleasure it is to see you, come in" Carlisle says and my ears perk up at hearing the name that was called.

"Good day Carlisle, your home is rather lovely" Aro states.

"Thank you. If you don't mind me asking, why have you come?" Carlisle asks.

"We were invited, of course" Caius scoffs.

Mom gave me a look and I snickered.

"By whom?" Carlisle asks.

"By your bride, Iris" Aro says as they enter the living room.

Everyone then turns to me. Oh shit, what do I say now.

Jane and Alec then enter the room too.

"It's true, she gave me an invitation a few nights ago. My masters are aware of the other beings that will be present but we're willing to come for Iris" Jane states.

I mouth her a thank you.

"Well, it's a good thing Vladmir and Stefan didn't receive an invitation" Carlisle mumbles.

"Dear Iris, it is so great to finally meet you" Aro holds out his hand.

I remember his power and take a sigh before handing him my hand.

He takes my hand into his grasp and looks out in the distance.

"Such a heartbreaking story our dear Iris contains, all those emotions.. bottled up into a single girl" Aro sighs.

"I am called Aro, thee are my brothers, Marcus and Caius" He introduces.

I shake hands with Marcus before holding my hand out to Caius who reluctantly shakes it.

"Let us inform Iris of the situation" Marcus says in his hoarse voice.

"Marcus has seemed to feel a little bond between yourself, us, and four of our elite guards" Aro states.

"What kind of bond?" I ask them.

"A family bond" Caius states.

"Go on" I nod.

"Between the guards, you have a sibling bond. It makes sense seeing as our bond is an uncle bond. Alec and Jane are like our children and Demetri is the prince of Volterra" Aro states.

Jasper side eyes me with a smirk as he notices my shocked face. I mean, I have a right to be shocked. Why didn't they say sooner????

"Brother, something is changing" Marcus states.

"Whatever do you mean?" Carlisle asks out of curiosity.

"The bond between Caius and Iris is changing. It's no longer an uncle bond... it's a fatherly one" Marcus answers.

My mouth was agape and my mom stopped tickling Faye as she heard this.

"And there's another bond, one romantic"

"Oh I so know where this is going" I sigh taking Faye from my mother's lap.

"It seems that Caius is romatically tied to Iris's mother" He blurts.

Iris CULLEN // Cullens x oc (part 3)Where stories live. Discover now