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I then exit my bedroom with Edward as we walk through the halls of the castle

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I then exit my bedroom with Edward as we walk through the halls of the castle.

Apparently my mother is going to be crowned queen and I, princess and they were going to have a party in our honour.

She was going to be the 2nd queen of Volterra, along with Sulpicia.

We walk all the way to the kitchen where avocado and toast was waiting for me. Yayy!

I sit down at the little round table and begin to munch down the tasty goodness.

"Morning" Rosalie walks into the room with Jasper as they both kiss my cheeks before sitting down.

"Tea?" Esme asks. "No thanks, already had" I decline her offer.

"Hey, are you alright?" Rosalie asks me.

"Yeah, why?" I ask her.

"Your.. heartbeat sounds almost unusual" Jasper answers for her.

"I'm fine, promise. I don't feel unusual" I shrug.

"Maybe we should get Carlisle to check, just in case" Esme suggests.

"I don't think that's necessary-"

"It is if it's concerning your health, Iris" Rosalie clarifies.

"I'm fine" I storm off.

I enter the throne room and everyone bows down to me.

"Wow.. I'm not gonna ever get used to that" I state.

"Don't" Demetri playfully remarks as I roll my eyes.

"My dear Iris, what can we do for you my child?" Uncle Marcus asks me.

"Do you maybe know where my parents are?" I ask them.

"Library dear" Aro replies.

"Thank you" I say before leaving the room and making my way through the halls.

Heidi and Jane then come to my side.

"You're literally so slow" Heidi groans.

"Bitch, do I look like a vampire to you?" I snap.

"Nah, you look pregnant" She snorts. "Your skin is glowing" Jane adds.

"I wish, but I'm not pregnant" I lie.

"I wish you were, besides your's and your mother's coronation. We don't have much parties here. A baby shower would be nice" Heidi shrugs.

"You came to my wedding not so long ago" I state.

"Excuse you Mrs Cullen but do you know how easily bored you can get as a vampire? I miss sleep soo much" Heidi complains.

"I feel you" I pat her shoulder in reassurance.

Iris CULLEN // Cullens x oc (part 3)Where stories live. Discover now