06 | VISIT

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I wake up from my nap to hear a commotion downstairs. I exit my bed and slip on my slippers before walking downstairs.

Carlisle and the others were debating something as he held an envelope in his hand.

I walk through and snatch the envelope from Carlisle's hands and open it to reveal a letter with the Volturi stamp on it.

I open it and read it aloud.

"Dear Newlyweds,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to stay for a period of time in our castle with us. It would be a great opportunity for us to all bond as a family. Iris and Diane, especially. Please to consider.
Kind Regards,

"We're going. I too think it will be a great opportunity for us to bond" I state.

"I think so too" Mom agrees.

"So why was everybody arguing?" I ask.

"We weren't sure if you'd want to see them. After the trip and all, your recent change in mood. We figured you were tired" Esme kisses my temple.

"I am, but I wanna do this. Not only for me but for them to. Three thousand years, in that castle? They need a change of spirit" I state as everyone chuckles.

"And it would be a great change of scenery for me. I wonder what they're library looks like and if they instruments or an art studio" I imagine it.

"I'm sure it would be wonderful" Mom assures me. "Indeed, the Volterra castle is a remarkable landmark" Carlisle ensures.

"So it's settled, we're going!" I state.


Skipping past the boring crap.
We're now in front of the doors to the castle.

The doors swing open with Jane and Heidi on the other side.

"Hii" we squeal and enter a hug.

"It's so great to see you, I've missed you so much. Life here is so boring without you" the girls go on as we enter the castle.

"This place is so ancient" I state while looking around. "Yet elegant"

"We maintain a clean home" Heidi tells me.

We then enter the elevator and as my lovers were about to enter, Heidi stops them.

"Nuh-uh, leave the luggage here. You can use the stairs. What's the use of using an elevator when you can run?" She scoffs.

"You're using an elevator" Rosalie points out.

"I broke my leg" Heidi smiles sarcastically.

Rosalie rolls her eyes before closing the doors to the elevator and speeding away.

We get out of the elevator once on the correct floor, and exit with all our luggage.

"We'll get all of these to your assorted rooms madame" Jane bows.

"Why thank you" I bow playfully as the girls speed away laughing.

I enter the throne room where the kings sat in their chairs, all bored.

"Iris!" Aro exclaims.

"Uncle Aro!" I exclaim as he stands up and speeds over.

We collide into a hug.

Iris CULLEN // Cullens x oc (part 3)Where stories live. Discover now