09 | AGING

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It's been a few months. It was now December, we were still at the castle and planned to move back after New Year's.

We were all sitting down to Christmas lunch, even if the vampires were just sipping on O negative and Mountain Lion and Bear blood.

My children were born 6 months and a few weeks ago.

A few days after her birth, Nymeria started teething and as expected, her first actual meal was blood.

She can survive on both human food and blood but must go hunting or drink blood at least once a month.

She grew so fast, within 2 weeks she physically matched me. A teenager.

And to think, Faye's been on this Earth longer than her.

Embry on the other hand is growing like a normal newborn.

As we were all around the table, my baby was sleeping.

My phone then rings and it was Leah.

"Sorry y'all, I'ma have to be excused. Be right back" I excuse myself from the table before answering the call and leaving the room.

I was now speaking to Leah in the throne room when I sensed someone enter the room.

"Hey Leah, I'ma have to call you back" I hang up the phone and keep my guard up as I turn and get into a fighting stance.


I furrow my brows before standing back in an idle stance.


"What are you doing here?"

"Came to give you a Christmas present"

"Yeah, no. Turn around and leave"

"I heard you got twins, congratulations. I overheard Charlie and Gwen talking about it"

She walks closer.

"Thank you?"

"I'd like to apologise to you Iris" she has her hands behind her back.

"For wh- AAAH!" I shout out of pure and excruciating pain.

I hold my side as blood gauzes from it. I lift my shirt to see a bloody burn.

I look to Bella to see an iron sword in her hand.

"You bitch" I curse her before looking back to the blood on my hands.

I then paralyze before falling to the ground as the burn takes over my organs.

I begin to scream and grunt.

I hear a bunch of footsteps coming as Bella makes a run for it.

Carlisle, Esme and everyone else hovers over me as the guards go for Bella.

"That bitch! We should've killed her when we got the chance! And then blame it on the stupid bears!" Rosalie shouts out of pure rage before kicking a pillar down.

Jasper was on his knees, if a vampire could cry, he'd be bawling. He felt everyone's emotions including Iris's pain.

He couldn't even fix his own emotions, how was he meant to help others? How was he meant to help his mate?

He was no healer and it irritated him to see his mate in such a state.

Alice was in a ball of sadnesss, ranting to herself.

"Why didn't I see this coming?"
"This is my fault"
"I'm so sorry Iris"

While Emmett paced around the room to waste his unlimited energy.

"Why haven't they gotten her back yet?!" He booms out of pure irritation.

Edward was silent, rushing to the little hospital room as he watched his mate's unconscious self.

His reason for living lie there, not a movement at all. Not even a peep.

He remembered all his best memories with her like the time they did the music project and they sat next to each other on the piano.

The times they spent and the long conversations they had sitting in the wildflower meadow of Forks.

And the recent times of them sitting quietly together in the gardens, soaking up each other's love and care for each other.

As Esme and Carlisle assisted with getting Izzy to the room and setting up the machinery,

They couldn't help but think, Embry was only 6 months old. And then there was Faye and Bree. As much as Nymeria has matured, she's only had her mother for 6 months of her immortal life.

Nymeria stayed in the throne room with her siblings. She comforted her sisters as they cried in her arms.

"What's going on with mommy?" Faye sobbed.

"Mommy's going to be okay" Bree tried to reassure her as her own tears streamed down her face.

"Bree's right baby, mama is just taking a nap. She'll wake up soon" Nymeria kisses both the heads of her sisters.

They then hear the cries of their baby brother, Embry and all quickly rush to comfort him too.

"Stay with us Izzy, keep your eyes open" Carlisle says. 

I was then put on the bed as my grandmother, cousins, mother and aunts began our sacred ancestral call.

Then everything went black.

Is Iris going to make it?

Will Bella run free?

Will the Cullens ever grow to see and feel their mate again?

Keep reading to find out.          

Iris CULLEN // Cullens x oc (part 3)Where stories live. Discover now