10 | IRIS

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It's been weeks and Iris hadn't woken

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It's been weeks and Iris hadn't woken. Carlisle declared that she had fallen into a coma and that everyone shouldn't lose hope but in reality,

He had no idea what was happening with his wife.

After all the medical and traditional treatments done, a normal human body would've awoken but not Iris.

And on top of that, her rhythm was doing just fine.

It got the well educated doctor quite dumbfounded.

New Year's had passed and they had to spend it without their dear Iris.

Her children had gone under a case of depression.

At least Embry could eat normal food by now but that wasn't good enough.

Any child needs it's mother.

It put the whole castle under a cloud filled with despair and pure rage.

The Volturi Kings could only think of vengeance. It was revenge before pain for them.

So they sent those closest to Iris. Demetri, Alec, Jane, Felix and Heidi to go and track down none other than,

Phillip Dwyer
Renée Dwyer
Noah Lockwood
And, Nicholas Lockwood.

They already had Isabella locked up in their dungeons and she got one meal a day and two beatings a day.

They decided to keep their prisoners alive as they wait for Iris to decide what she wishes to do with those that have wronged her.

Meanwhile, the Denali Clan had arrived to help out and to comfort their mourning cousins.

Jasper couldn't control himself without Iris and would come back to the castle drenched in blood like it was tears.

Alice stayed quiet and ignored every vision that came to her. She'd close her eyes and block it out, she declared that her powers were rendered useless.

Emmett wasted his energy in the gym, he felt he wasn't strong enough to protect his mate and it only encouraged him to workout more, and to hunt more often.

Rosalie visited workshops, each had a room where she could destroy whatever she wanted. For her, it was therapy.

Edward spent his time in the garden, and for once, instead of listening in on others, he focused on his own corrupted thoughts.

Esme stress-baked and cleaned. She looked after the children and castle more than she did herself.

And Carlisle, he dedicated his hours, minutes and seconds into looking after Iris. Making sure her body was cleaned everyday so she wouldn't rot; checking her vitals and heartbeats; he always made sure she was okay, even if she wasn't.

Giana would cry every night and day while looking through the pictures of herself and her other half. She felt like she was broken into pieces.

Iris's aunts and the rest of her family would have each other's backs and were more protective of each other over the slightest things. They were all scarred.

Iris CULLEN // Cullens x oc (part 3)Where stories live. Discover now