Gally X Reader.

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Fear was clawing at me, gnawing me to the bone as steel on steel screeched, echoing hideously. Then, it jolted to a stop, cages shuddering around me before it stilled, a thundering alarm taking it's place, and then there was so much light. 

It seeped into every corner of what I now knew as a box, boys screaming around me as the gates above were pulled open, gasps ringing out as I curled up closer into a corner, using my hair to shield me from what was going on.

"It's a girl!" There were mixed reactions, cheers, sighs, complaints. Through my hair I saw one boy jump down, the whole box shuttering slightly, and he started hauling stuff up, out of here, onto the grass that was just peaking over the edge. Another had climbed down, much more delicately than the other boy had, crouching down in front of me. 

"Hey greenbean" I look up slightly, a gaunt, quite young boy with sandy brown hair and a light accident highlighting his words was holding a hand out to me, one I took with obvious hesitation "It's all new, we get it, all of us have been where you have" Though I didn't make me feel any better as he helped me out. 

There was so much going on around me, nearly everyones gaze honed in on me, but there was so much grass, the light shining down on us from directly above that I barely took notice of it all as my eyes adjusted, and then I was running. Away. Away from all of the noise and the people, straight towards a group of trees in the corner. 

"Awe it's a runner!" Cheers ring out, but I don't stop. I couldn't stop, I didn't want to be caught. I could hear footsteps behind me, but I still didn't stop, not until I reached an area with a large brach. Grabbing it without a second thought, I spin around and hold it up in warning. 

The black haired boy raised his hands in defence, his features twisted up in a sneer "Cmon Greenie, put it down" I just held it up, glaring at him. He was tall, quite lean and muscular, but there was this air of arrogance around him as he spoke. The second boy had just caught up now, the one who had helped me up. 

"Quite the run, greenbean" He smiled at me, seemingly much more joyful than the other one. The rest of the boys where still by that box that I had come up from, and I couldn't help but my features twist up in a sneer. Was that an insult?

"Tell me where I am, greenie" I sneer it, in hopes that it truly was an insult, but the black haired boy just smirked at me, the other grinning now ear to ear. 

"Hey, just put the branch down and we'll tell you everything, ok?" The one with the accent spoke up before offering me his name "I'm Newt, do you know your name?" And then I was suddenly scared, really scared. I couldn't remember everything, I didn't even know my name. He seemed to notice this, and smiled softly "Look, no one knows there name at first, it comes back to you eventually, so will you put it down?"

The other boy instead lunges, trying to grab the branch off me and I swing it with all my might, the force landing against his arm and he lets out a yowl, mumbling what I assume must be a thousand different insults I didn't quite understand, that smirk wiping off his face as he glares at me with such furocity I took a step back. 

"I'm sorry! No, wait I'm not, get back!" I raise it again, but Newt lets out a booming laugh, seemingly fully entertained by what I had just done. The other boy was still muttering profanities and telling Newt that I needed to go into the slammer. 

"She's just scared Gally, go and help them prepare for the bonfire and let me sort this out" Newt had told what I was now guessing was Gally, and after a final glare and "Shucking slinthead" he turned around and headed to the box. 

Feeling slightly bad about hitting Gally, I dropped the branch "I didn't mean to hurt him" 

"I know, now come on, let me show you around the glade" He nodded for me to follow and I did. 

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