Minho X Reader.

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I'd been in the glade for a few months now, and found that I was absolutely utterly useless at cooking, gardening and building. I was actually a decent slicer, though I spent most of my time working as a medjack after I had to drag Winston to the med-hut and clean his arm up after an unfortunate incident with another one of the slicers. 

One person, who seemed to always be in however was Minho. Just small cuts and grazes from the maze that needed cleaning up slightly, but it seemed to nearly every day he went out there and I really was beginning to think that he was one extremely clumsy human being. Both Clint and Jeff always, and I mean always ended up shoving him over to me which did pass the time before dinner. 

He was sassy, talkative and extremely flirty, though I couldn't tell if that was purely because I was the only girl in the glade (Which sucked because I had no girl friends to ever really chat with about my issues). Don't get me wrong, I loved Newt, Clint, Frypan and Jeff but they always tried to give me solutions, and sometimes I just needed a good rant and someone to agree with most of it. 

Today, Minho had come in with the tiniest cut you've ever seen in your entire life, throwing himself down dramatically on one of the cloth covered beds of straw and told me that he needed immediate care because of it. 

"You'll live" I mumble, turning around to pack away some of the kit back into the box from when one of the slicers had come in earlier that day. Minho let out a disgruntled sigh, and out of the corner of my eye I watch as he pouts, staring directly at me. 

"Look at it!" He points to the thin line of blood on his cheek "Besides, it's not like you've seen anything this bad" Minho adds, and I can't help but snort, putting the final role of clean bandages back in the box before turning to him with a hand on my hip. 

"What did you do this time, walk into a wall?" It looked like a cleaner cut than that when I sit beside him and really look at it, with no dirt around it whatsoever, and I frown "Did you.... cut your face with something?" I grab his chin, tilting his head to the side to stare at it. There was hardly any blood, the tiniest line of red I've ever seen on his cheek, and I notice him pursing his lips. 

"Uh, look at me, do I look like I'd do that?" I recognise it wasn't an answer, but scoff at the sheer sass in his voice as he says it "So, are you going to kiss it better?" The corners of his lips tilt up ever so slightly and I let go of his chin, snorting. 

"In your dreams sunshine, let me go and get some antiseptic and you'll be all good as new" I push myself up and head over to the box, pulling out a clean cloth and some antiseptic solution, pouring a small amount onto the cloth before heading back over "Now stay still" He does as he's told, and when I've finished, I throw the cloth into the dirty pile to be cleaned, packing the stuff away and turning around. 

He still hadn't moved, just grinning at me from where he was sat "So am I good to go, or do you need help cleaning up?" I knew he'd been sulking around today as his day off, but I didn't understand how he'd managed to cut his face doing nothing all day. 

"I'm all done for the day, I was about to head for dinner when they ring the bell anyway" I shrug, wiping down a wooden bench before sitting down next to him "Done much today then hotshot?" 

"Well I-" The bell rings out for dinner and I laugh, patting his shoulder and hopping up. He just glares at the wall before jumping up, following me out of the door and grumbling something under his breath.

"Going to share whatever your saying or just sulk?" 

"Not for you to hear" He mutters before wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I don't bother shaking it off, he does this a lot and it seems like he only did it to irritate me so I never give him the satisfaction, that and I maybe don't mind it as much as I let on....

"You're such a little baby" I nudge his side with my elbow, grinning, and he returns the look, about to give me a witty one liner no doubt but Newt sidles up to us and interrupts, grinning from ear to ear as he stares at us both. 

"And what are you two up to, cut your face Minho?" There was a knowing smile resting on his face that made me narrow my eyes between the two of them in confusion. What were they smirking at each other for? Though I had no time to think about it because a grinning Clint and Jeff had come over to us. 

"Nice cut Minho" Jeff chuckles, Clint giving him a weird side eye as the two nudge each other. 

"Oh for shucks sake what the hell happened? Who gave him the cut?" I snap, glaring at the two of them who couldn't seem to keep grins off of their smug faces at all. They both shrug, nudging each other and turning on their heel to race each other to dinner. 

"Ignore them (Y/n), you know how they get" Well, I mean we were teenagers, it wasn't unusual for everyone to be messing around outside of their roles, but they were being weirder than usual. Secretive. 

"Minho?" I shove his arm off of me and grab the front of his shirt with both fists to stare him dead in the eye "You better tell me who gave you that cut right now, or so help me I will shucking tell Alby, you know I will" His eyes widen, and then narrow in a matter of a second, a slow feline grin spreading across his face as he puts his hands up in the air. 

"You know me (Y/n), just messing around" Newt had already left the two of us to head to dinner, but I had stopped us in our tracks to have this conversation and I wouldn't let this go. He seemed to know this because he sighed like a child being berated by a parent, but the smile didn't leave his face as he spoke "Fine, Jeff may have maybe cut my face just a little" 


"I just... wanted to come and see you" I drop my hands from his shirt and take a step back, shaking my head at him. He was a serious, and utter idiot for this, I mean seriously, do men only have one shared braincell between them all?

"Minho it was your day off, you could have literally come and sit with me in the med-hut" I stated, proping a hand on my hip and watching him carefully as he narrowed his eyes together in serious though, before letting out a laugh. 

"Oh, yeah that could have worked, but then I wouldn't get you looking after me" He shrugged, taking a small step towards me, his gaze softening slightly. It was something I'd never truly seen, Minho being quite serious, only ever in glade meetings "(Y/n)... I uh, I like when you take care of me... uh I mean look after, no I just-" He pauses, looking up to the sky and sighing before looking back at me "I mean I like being around you, I like you"

"Minho..." I take a step forward, smiling lightly "Shuck Minho you could have said this before getting shucking Jeff to-" And he closed the distant, pressing his lips lightly against mine, and I wrap my arms around his neck, leaning further into the kiss. 

It was short, and sweet, his hands resting on my waist as he pulls me against him, and in this moment everything feels just right, perfect. When we pull away, I vaguely recognise cheering from where dinner was, but I ignore it, grinning at him "Minho, I like you too" and we lean in again. 

A few seconds later a thought dawns on me, and I pull away, furrowing my eyebrows together "Wait, all those times you tripped in the maze and ended up coming in to get cleaned up?" His soft smile immediately morphs into a sheepish one, and he brings one hand up to cup my face, running the pad of his thumb across my cheek. 

"Some of them were accidents"

"You're an idiot Minho, you better never do that again" I grumble, shaking my head at him and laughing lightly. 

"Never, but hey, at least I'm your idiot" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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