Minho X Reader.

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"You, girl, come with me" The rat faced man motioned for me to follow him, and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. 

"Where am I going?"

"A dorm with girls" He replies, reaching out to grab my arm but Minho grabs it first, pulling me back into his chest and wrapping his arms around me protectively, and I sink into his arms.

"She goes where we go" Minho huffs out, probably biting back a sassy comment that I had no doubt he wanted to blurt out, and I nod my head "I'm not leaving the boys" I lean back slightly, even further, placing me hands over his, noticing how tight his hold was over me. I had no doubt there was no way they were taking me without a fight. 

"But-" He's cut off by Newt, Frypan and Thomas stepping in front of us, and it's Thomas who speaks up "She stays with us" I have to bite back the urge to say that I had a name, and instead raise my chin slightly, grateful they all had my back. 

"There are enough beds for me to stay" I point to the room with the door swung open, and Minho chuckled. I had no doubt he was smirking as he muttered "And if there aren't, she can sleep with me" My cheeks burn with colour at the comment, and I let out a frustrated huff to hide my embarrassment, my thoughts somewhat wondering slightly. Only slightly of course, I would never be thinking about Minho naked in this situation at all.....

"Fine, she can stay" The man bit out, obviously not keen on the idea, and Minho unwraps his arms from around me to hold my hand, pulling me into the room. There was a scurry of people dibsing beds, and Minho had taken the first top bunk he laid eyes on (To stop Frypan getting it no doubt), before motioning for me to join him. 

"Mine's this one" I point to the bed below his, and the Newt gives me a sly smirk, winking when I felt my cheeks heating up ridiculously "Shut up, slinthead"

"Didn't say anything" He puts his hands up in surrender, the sly smirk twisting up into a smile as he throws himself at one of the beds. Minho was sat so close our thighs were pressed together, and he nudges me slightly, offering me a small reassuring smile. 

After a while of chatting, the lights start to dim in the room and we all head into our own beds, not liking that there were no stars to stare at, or wind blowing through our hair. I knew I wasn't the only one feeling nervous, an eery silence taking over the room. 

"Goodnight guys" I mumble, turning to face the wall to avoid staring at weird coloured lights dotted around the room, and they all each say goodnight, before the room decends into silence once more. After what felt like hours, I slipped into a quiet darkness. 


I felt myself jolt, sweat beading across my face, panting heavily. I couldn't quite grasp the nightmare, unsure of why I was so jolted by it. All I could remember was syringes. So many syringes, and people in lab coats. 

"Pst, (Y/n)? Are you ok?" I lean out of the side of the bed to see Minho peering down at me, and I give him a small smile, suddenly so grateful he was there "Nightmare?"

"Yeah... I just... I can't quite grasp what it was about" I mumble, rolling out of bed and landing on my feet with a small thud, staring up at him "Would you mind if I...." I trail off, unsure about how to ask him, but he gives me a bright smile. 

"Get up here you shank" 

"Shut up" But I can't help smiling as I climb up, crawling across the bed until we were both on our sides, staring at each other "Do you miss it, the glade?"

"Kind of, I miss the sky" He mumbled, keeping his voice low so he doesn't wake the others. I don't bother asking how he's awake, instead just taking comfort in the fact that he was. He carefully brings a hand up to my face, his thumb running circles across my cheek. 

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