Newt X Reader.

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After coming up in the box a month ago, and a new boy coming up, I was finally no longer the greenie, which felt amazing. I definitely was congratulated, and while it was a joke I genuinely was so incredibly happy about it. I'd even found a job with the slicers - though I didn't like it nearly as much as when I worked as a track-hoe because that's usually where Newt was and I had the biggest crush ever on him. 

Who wouldn't? He was smart, cute, sweet and had an adorable sense of humour - which was great until you were staring at him and had gotten caught slacking (Probably a reason I wasn't working in the gardens as much as with the slicers). Frypan had taken me under his wing for some reason though, and he knew hands down about my utter obsession; he found it hilarious winding me up about it. 

It started as small stuff, winks when he caught me staring, or doing that wiggly eyebrow thing that he was so good at. Then, when Newt wasn't looking he was forming his hands into love hearts and doing the same thing, which caught peoples attention, but then when he started singing about us getting together I nearly punched him. 

He found that hilarious too, but toned down a lot with it when he saw the look on his face, sheepishly apologising. 

Which led me to now, where the bonfire was blazing, people were drinking Gallys secret recipe and a load of the boys had huddled around Gally and Minho fighting in the ring. Frypan and I were sat in front of the fire, glancing over at the fight when the cheers died down and you could tell it was getting serious every time there was a pause in the yelling. 

"Why not, hear me out (Y/n)...  tell him?" Frypan asked, taking a swig of his own drink but staring at me over the top of the bottle pointedly. I knew that he was trying to help, but I was automatically sinking back, screwing my nose up at the thought. 

"It'd go horribly wrong, the glade would then be awkward for the rest of our entire lives!" I exclaimed, snatching the bottle off of him and taking a rather large gulp of it before passing it back "Besides-"

"OR, hear me out, it would go amazingly, you'd hold hands and braid daisies in each others hair?" He tries to offer helpfully, and while there was a mocking tone, I knew he was serious about it, a wistful look on his face "At least you've found someone in here... maybe on day" Frypan looked up, sighing. 

"Oh cheer up, maybe the love of your life will come up in the box next" I offer, smirking "And I'd tease you about it for the rest of your life!" He just rolls his eyes, snorting before taking another swig, only Newt in all his beauty and glory decided to join in at that time. 

"What are we teasing Frypan about?" He takes a seat next to me, looking over at us and I laugh, nudging Frypan "We were saying when the love of his life comes up in the box next then I'd get the chance to tease him" 

"Yeah, I guess romance is hard to find in here" Newt sighs, staring me dead in the eyes before turning to look at the stars. Now, I wouldn't usually panic when my crush stares at me directly when saying something like that (I really would), but I was already nearly half a bottle down of Gallys drink. 

"Well, that's my cue to leave" Frypan steals the bottle off of me after dramatically slapping his thighs before leaping up and nearly skipping over to where the fighting was going on before either of us could say anything about it. Newt raises an eyebrow, catching my look once again. 

"What's that about?" He asks, taking a swig of his own drink before looking over at me with a lost puppy kind of look that I get so absorbed in he has to ask if I'm ok, which makes me stumble over my words before sighing and shrugging. 

"No idea, you know him, he's weird" 

Newt laughs and OHMY, I was embarrassingly aware of the lovesick look on my face but I couldn't shake it as I watch him. The way his messy blonde hair swayed in the light breeze, and the light flickering in his eyes as he stares at the fire. 

"So uh... hows today been?" I ask, and we finally fall into a comfortable conversation about what we'd done through the day, even the small conversations we had with people and how good Frypans meal was today. It's only when we somehow loop back to the conversation about finding someone in the glade that I steal the bottle off of him and take a swig. 

"Do you think the love of your life will come up next month?" I finally ask when he brings it up, and he poaches the bottle off me, taking a large gulp before placing it down on the ground and fully turning to face me, his eyebrows narrowed as though in deep thought. 

"I don't think so, I think someone I love is already in the glade" He says it with such certainty and steadiness I can't help but blink, staring at him unmoving as hope blooms in my chest. Newt just laughs awkwardly at my lack of response and I stumble over my words again, trying to think of something smart and witty to slyly ask if it could be me. 

It fails, my brain actually fails me in this moment. 

I was carefully as he reaches out hesitantly before taking my hand in his "(Y/n), look you don't have to respond tonight, we have all the time in the world in here, but I was wondering if maybe on your free day you'd want to hang out with me?" 

"Just us?"

"Just us" He confirms, and let out a laugh, throwing myself into his arms. He wasn't ready for it, tumbling backwards as I fall on top of him, and both of us burst into laughter. As soon as it dies out though, we were face to face, with me led on top of him, and he brings a hand up to cup my face. 


"Yes Newt, shucking hell a thousand times yes" I breath out, and he leans in pressing his lips against mine. It was slow and sweet, the softness taking over as he pulls me even closer, my mind scrambling with each second. Our arms were tangled together, my mind unsure of each movement as we kissed, and when we finally pulled away, all I could do was stare down at him. 

"So it's a date?" Newt asked, looking up at me, and all I could do was grin, absolutely mesmerised by those beautiful eyes. 

"It's a date" And we leant in for a much more passionate and lasting kiss. 

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