Newt X Reader.

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I'd only been in the glade two months, but I wanted nothing more than to leave. It was beautiful the first month, sunlight draping over the glade during the day and the clearest star filled sky and night to stare at. But it got boring, when you've walked wall to wall, day in and day out I just wanted something new, something fun. 

Sure, the gladers always found new things to talk about, to joke about or games to play in the evening, but it still felt repetitive. Wake up, watch the runners jog out into the maze, help the builders or the medjacks depending on the day, have dinner and sleep. 

The one thing that kept me going was Newt, I could stare at him all day and never find it boring. The way the sun beat down and make his hair shine, or how his muscles flexed when he worked, and the way his smile seemed to light up the whole glade every time he did it. 

I'd become friends, or as much as Gally could consider a friend, and he was vaguely aware.... no completely aware of my infatuation, and he loved taunting me about it every time Newt was anywhere near the builders and how distracted I always seemed to get. 

I wasn't clumsy, or at least I didn't think so, but every single time I saw him I tripped over something, or accidentally hammered my thumb, or there was one time I walked into a tree. Gally saw that and he still has yet to make me forget about the incident, not that I could - Newt had SEEN and come over to check if I was ok, or dehydrated and forced me to check in with the medjacks despite me BEING one when other gladers hurt themselves and the others couldn't handle it. 

"You could tell him" Gally grumbled one morning as I was helping him make a table, both of us fitting legs onto it and trying to get them even. He'd then helped me sand it, sulking every time Newt stepped into our field of vision and I'd gotten distracted. 

"Slim it"

"You're in a good mood today... For my sanity (Y/n), talk to him at the bonfire tonight" He finished sanding his side, wiping sweat off his forehead and raising an eyebrow when he'd realised I'd not even finished one side, and the mortification I'd been staring that long had kicked in. Getting back to work, I barely glance up as he downs his water, sitting on the grass next to me to continue this conversation I was not looking forward to. 

"I DO talk to him" I huff out, finishing sanding and dropping the sand paper onto the grass besides me "Pass the water?" He throws it over, laying back on the grass to stare at the clouds above us. 

"Oh yeah... 'Hey (Y/n)', 'Oh hey Newt', 'How are you doing today?', 'Good.....'" He tries to impersonate our accents, failing drastically, but I couldn't help laughing and throwing the empty bottle at him. He pays no notice to that, instead looking over at me "Have a WHOLE conversation, or take him into the ring" He shrugs, sitting up once more. 

"Ok, I'll see if he wants to fight, that'll get his attention"

"(Y/n), at this rate you'll spent your whole life here fawning over him without having a single ACTUAL conversation, so do me a favour here, it's getting irritating that you seem to end up at the medjacks ever few days from doing slinthead stuff when you're staring" He laughs, standing up and offering me a hand "Now come and help me cut some wood for the bonfire"


The new glader was a young, quite chubby boy who seemed to be alright company, though spent most of the night not speaking. I'd even managed a whole conversation with Newt about his day and how it'd been for him without tripping over or doing anything stupid. Gally didn't seem impressed and had offered an insightful 'Maybe he'll fall hopelessly in love with you if you kick another gladers ass in the ring', but I'd chosen not to do that, instead taking a seat with Minho and Ben, watching the others fight in the ring instead. 

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