Nifty's home (day 3)

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Lucifer woke up got dressed and went to go check if Alastor was in his room. When he opened the door he saw that Alastor was sleeping like a baby so calm and peacefully asleep. He went down stairs and saw the decorations all over the hotel.

Lucifer Pov
"Wow! He did a good job with the decorations."

He saw a list of things Alastor had to do on the fridge. He read them and saw that there was a long of stuff Alastor had to do.

Lucifer Pov
" Make food, clean hotel, make cupcakes, wow the list just keeps going. I'll just do his list no worries."

Lucifer used some of his magic to do the most of the stuff on the list. The only thing that he had to do now was to cook for the three of them. Alastor woke up to the sound of the fire alarm. He ran down stairs where he saw Lucifer trying to get something out of the oven.

Alastor pov
"Lucifer are you ok?"

As he ran to open the windows to let the smoke out of the hotel.

Lucifer Pov
" Yea I'm ok. I just wanted to help out with the stuff that were on the list."

Alastor saw that Lucifer had done most of the things on the list.

Alastor pov
"Do you need help?"

Lucifer Pov
" Yes please."

Alastor then went to help Lucifer make the food. When Alastor was done with his part he saw that Lucifer was finishing up with his part. Alastor walked up to Lucifer and gave him a hug from behind then Alastor took off Lucifers hat, put on a counter and laid his head on Lucifers head.

Lucifer Pov
" Hey you never told me what Nifty families issue was?"

Alastor pov
"Well, apparently she got into a fight with her family and she doesn't feel comfortable staying with them."

Lucifer Pov
"Oh well, hopefully this cheers her up."

When Lucifer was done with his part Alastor went to his room and changed his clothes while Lucifer went to go shower. When they were both doing what they were doing they were standing at the door waiting for Nifty.

They heard a knock on the door. Lucifer opened the door and went he saw nifty she was wearing a baggy sweater and sweats. Lucifer didn't really care what she was wearing but Alastor had a few questions about her outfit choices. Lucifer warmly welcome nifty into the hotel.

Alastor pov
" Nifty dear, take off your sweater."

Nifty pov
" N-no, I... Don't want to!'

Lucifer Pov
"But sweet heart, aren't you hot?"

Nifty POV
"Well a little bit but .... I DON'T ANSWER TO YOU!"

Alastor forcefully took off Nifty's sweater and saw that she was covered in bruise as she started to cry running to Lucifer. Alastor was shocked. He never met to hurt her. Lucifer caryed her to the couch as he healed her with some of his magic.

Lucifer Pov
"Nifty, what happened to you? I thought you said that you were staying at your parents house for 2 weeks not 2 days."

Nifty pov
"Well (sniffles) sometimes my f-family can be really scary especially if they were drinking and they were, then my mom and dad started fighting then me and my sister.
It was just chaos. (Sniffle) so thats why I came back to the hotel."

Lucifer Pov
"Oh well hopefully you feel better soon."

Alastor brought Nifty a small plate of food and a cupcake to cheer her up.

Alastor pov
"Here you go Nifty dear. Eat up so you can get some rest after."

Nifty ate the food and Alastor carried her to her room as Lucifer washed Nifty's dish. Nifty fell asleep in Alastors arm but instead of putting Nifty down and leaving the room, Alastor feel asleep while she was still sleeping in his arms. Lucifer walked in and when he saw he could help but take a picture (not showing Alastors face) and layed down next to Alastor as they all sleept like if they were a happy family.

{I know that chapter still felt short but I'll try to make the next one longer. Bye bye 👋)

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