The hurt spider

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*Alastor pov*
In the morning I woke up and saw that Lucifer was still sleeping so I got up and changed my clothes into my usual suit. Then, I went down to the lobby to see Charlie, Husk, Nifty, Vaggie and Lilith. 'Good morning my dears. Umm where's Angel?'  'That's the thing. We don't know where he is and he's not picking up any of our calls. I think we should go find him so we can bring him home.' Charlie said sounding very worried about Angel. 'Alastor can you and Lucifer stay in the hotel while we all look for Angel?' Lilith said. I nodded my head as they left the hotel. I decided to make pancakes for breakfast so when they came back hopefully with Angel dust everyone could eat. In the middle of making breakfast I couldn't help but have a bad feeling. Like if Angel was hurt or trapped somewhere. I sent my shadow to look for him in every street, store, and alleyway. I didn't find him anywhere but the only place I didn't check was the porn studio and the alleyway connected to the porn studio. I checked the whole studio but he wasn't there. I checked the alleyway but I didn't see him. I was about to tell me shadow to leave until I heard someone sodding. It was Angel dust. I used the shadows to get him and take him back to the hotel. When I finally reached Angel Dust he had a gun to his head about to pull the trigger. I took the gun with one of my tentacles as he looked at me with a scared face like if I was going to hurt him. 'Angel what are you doing? Are you crazy! Are you ok?' I asked him but he didn't answer any of my questions. He just fell on his knees and started crying. I ran over to him and hugged him. He hugged me back as I teleported us back to the hotel. He kept crying as I hugged him still asking if he was ok. I then noticed the bruise on his face and on his neck.

* Angel pov *
I didn't think anyone would find me, especially Alastor. I thought he was just a cold hearted asshole who only cared for Lucifer and Charlie. I didn't know what to tell him. I didn't feel like telling him about how Valentino has abused me. I just wanted to end myself. ' I just wanted to kill myself is that to hard to ask?' i realized I said that out loud and Alastor looked at me with a worried expression on his face. 'Alastor I... I didn't really mean that... I.... uh fuck!' I couldn't find an excuse to convince him that I was ok. He walked me to my room and said that he would be right back. I was scared he was going to tell Charlie that I was about to kill myself.

*Alastor pov*
I went down to the lobby and called Charlie to tell her that I found Angel and that he's in the hotel. She was happy to hear that Angel was at the hotel so she said that they were on there way to the hotel. I heard someone coming to the lobby and saw that Lucifer had woken up. I wanted to tell Lucifer about Angel but I didn't want him to be worried about Angel either, especially since he just woke up. ' good morning Lucifer, how did you sleep?' I said as I was getting a first aid kit. ' why are you grabbing the first aid kit? Is someone hurt? Is Charlie ok? Wait where is Charlie?' Lucifer started getting worried and he didn't know that Angel was the one who was hurt, but now that he's asking I should tell him about Angel. ' Lucifer please follow me I.... We need your help.' I said as I took his hand and we went to Angle's room.

*Lucifer Pov*
Alastor took me to Angel's room. I didn't know why but by the look in his eyes he was worried about Angel. We entered his room just to see Angel dust wrapping bandages around his arm and stomach. When I saw Angel he was covered in bruise, blood, scratch marks and other marks. I was just as shocked as Alastor. I walked up to Angel and made him sit down on his bed as I used my magic to heal him. I took off the bandage off of Angle to heal his wounds.  Alastor went down to the lobby as we heard Charlie and everyone else enter the hotel. Then Alastor and Charlie came into Angel's room as soon as I was done healing he. Me and Alastor left the room so Charlie and Angel could talk.

{I know its a short chapter but I hope you guys liked it it took me a bit to write it because I been busy anyway love ya guys❤️}

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