Helping hand

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*God pov*
I helped my son with the babies so he and Alastor could rest for a bit. Everyone else was either working or helping out with other things around the hotel. Charlie would check in on me from time to time to see if I needed help with anything but I let her know that I was fine and didn't need anything. I heard someone walking up to the nursery and saw that it was Lucifer.

G: "Good morning Lucifer how are you feeling today."

L: "Oh I feel better. How are you doing this morning."

G: "I feel fine. So um what do you plan on naming the kids?"

L: " Well I named the boy Allen and Alastor named the girl Laura."

G: "What wonderful names you guys choose."

*Third person pov*
Lucifer looked over to see if the babies are sleeping. He saw that Laura was awake and playing with her little fingers. Lucifer picked her up and changed her diaper. Allen soon woke up right after Lucifer was done changing Laura. God picked up Allen and played with him for a bit. Lucifer put Laura in her crib and took Allen so he can change him. God walked up to Laura, picked her up and started playing with her.

*Lucifer Pov*
What the hell. Why is Dad all of a sudden playing with kids? Let alone my kids. I thought he thought kids were annoying. He makes no sense sometimes. I asked him when he was going back to heaven and he said in a few hours. I said ok and put Allen in his crib. I left the room too eat something. Alastor was in the kitchen while everyone was busy doing something else. I walked up to him and hugged his waist. "Good morning Lucifer" Alastor said. He turned around and kissed me on my head. I just kept hugging him cause I felt tired and didn't want to do anything. He continued making breakfast. Once we ate we went to go check on the kids together. We entered the nursery to find both of the kids asleep and my Dad gone. It was pretty normal for my dad to disappear so I didn't care. I saw a note that was from my dad. It said-
"I'm sorry that I left without telling any of you that I was leaving. I had to do something important up on heaven. I'll try to visit you again soon but I'll be very busy so I'll let you know when I go to the hotel. -Love Dad a.ka God."
My dad is really weird sometimes but at least he's trying to help out. I guess it will be ok to have more helping hands.

{Guys I'm almost done with the Huskerdust adopting the reader I just have to add a few more things then I'll post the first chapter. See ya soon Bye 👋.}

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