Group is back together (day 7)

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*Alastor pov*
I heard Nifty cleaning up her room. I thought I should check on her. But I had a weird feeling about Lucifer. After I hear several knocks coming from the hotel doors. I went down to the lobby, so did Nifty and when I opened the door I saw Charlie, Vaggie, Cherry, Husk, and Angel dust. Charlie in a panicked voice asked me "where's my father? Is he ok? How is he?" 'Charlie dear, please clam down, he is ok.' Charlie had tears in her eyes as she smiled.

---3rd person pov---
Lucifer woke up after sleeping for about 2 and a half hours. He sat up from his bed changed his clothes into a white oversized t-shirt and some gray sweats and put on a black hoodie and his boots then he went downstairs to the lobby. When he went into the lobby Charlie noticed her dad and ran up to him and hugs him crying.

*Charlie pov*
I couldn't help but notice my dad walking out of the elevator into the lobby. I ran up to him and hugged him and cried asking him if he was okay. He told me that he was fine and not to worry about him but I already knew this time would come my mother had warned me about this day coming. I still worried for my dad cause my dad didn't know that my mom told me before she had left to wherever she was. I asked him if he wanted to eat and he said that he was not hungry at the moment but thanked for the offer.

*Lucifer Pov*
When I went down to the lobby Charlie ran up to me and hugged me so I hugged her back then I realized that she was crying. She asked me if I was okay and I said of course I was because I didn't want them to know that I was dying. I just didn't want to worry them too much. Then I see Alastor in the corner of my eye like he was worried about me again and I didn't know why it's not like I told him that I was dying. I guess it could send something was off but I'm not Alastor so I don't know. Charlie then looked at Al then Alastor held my hand. Knowing myself I was already starting to feel my face getting hotter than it was so I covered my face with my other hand. Charlie then let go of me from the hug and went to her girlfriend. Husk and Angel were at the bar, cherry and Nifty were watching tv, and Charlie and Maggie left the hotel saying that they had to do something important. Me and Alastor went to our own room since it was pretty late but before I went into my room I ate a bowl of cereal. When I went into my room I took off my hoodies since I was kind of warm. I laid down on my bed and pulled the covers up to my waist. I noticed that it was sprinkling outside a bit and thought about Charlie and Vaggie. I looked outside my window for a bit, I saw how it looked nice outside, which was weird because usually it doesn't look this nice. I struggled falling asleep so I turned on the radio to see what song was playing. I heard a familiar voice singing a song I believe it was "sway". His voice on this so nice, I drifted off to sleep meanwhile he was singing I fell asleep.

*Alastor pov*
I was bored so I decided to broadcast myself singing a song. A song that I thought Lucifer would like. I started singing "sway". I know it people have the radio on so I knew that Lucifer turned his radio on. When I finish singing I went to go check on the thing myself and made sure no one saw me going into his room. I used the radio to go into his room and saw that he fell asleep so I turned off his radio so he can sleep and lay down next to him. I try not to make too much noise as I started falling asleep next to the small King. I started humming to myself until I felt someone hugging my waist when I looked down it was the king. I hugged him back keeping him close so I can be there for him in case of an emergency.

{All right guys I'm in the story here I'll see you guys in the next chapter I know it was kind of small but I'm tired}

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