The fallen two

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* Lucifer Pov*
Vaggie and I ran to Charlie and Alastor to tell Charlie that someone was at the door. Charlie and Vaggie went down stairs went we told her meanwhile Alastor and I dragged Lilith out of the hotel. When we finally got her out of the hotel we went back to Charlie and Vaggie. They were both shocked but I didn't know why since I didn't really pay attention to the person who was at the door. ' Umm hey Dad. I know you know Adam but do you know who this is. ' Charlie asked. 'Maybe you knew her when you were in heaven? ' she then made the girl walk up to me. ' Dad this is Emily. ' I stared at the girl for a bit. ' huh oh OH Emily, Emma, little E oh how are you doing. Wow when I last saw you you were so itty bitty. Wow you're like the same height as Charlie. Umm Charlie I hope you realize that you that you can get into a lot of trouble with Sera. Wait, does Sera know you're here? ' I saw Charlie's expression on her face and it was a very concern one. Like she was worried about someone, in this case it was Emily she was worried about.' Dad she..... She fell ' I saw Emily's expression and I could tell that she was holding back tears. I went up to her and hugged her. ' Don't worry Emily, everything will be ok. Think of us like your family. If you ever need something you can ask anyone. ' she hugged me back and started crying as I rubbed her back still hugging her.

(A few hours later)
* Alastor pov*
It has been two hours since Emily came into the hotel. It was 5:30 so I decided to be the one who would cook dinner. I was going to cook jambalaya my favorite food other than deer or other sinners. I took out the ingredients to make the food. When I started making the jambalaya, Lucifer came into the kitchen. ' what are you making my dear? ' he looked at the counter and saw what I was making. ' well Luci I'm making my mother's home made jambalaya. ' when I stared at him his eyes look like they were filled with sparkle. I could tell that he wanted to help me so I asked him. ' would you like to help me out?' he nodded his head as I told him what to do. When the jambalaya was done everyone but Emily went to go sit in the dinning room. ' Mmm~ That smells so good. Is that jambalaya? ' I was kind of surprised that she would even know what jambalaya is. ' Yes my dear it is jambalaya. As a matter of fact it's my mother's recipe. ' she looked at me for a second then offered to help me and Lucifer serve the food. I accepted the help and we passed out the bowls of food.  We all sat down to eat. ' WOW, this is so good. It reminds me of Margaret's jambalaya. ' Adams comment was surprisingly nice but the name Margaret was very familiar, wait it was my mother's name. ' Who is Margaret? ' I wanted to know if it was really my mother or someone else. ' oh Margaret has a restaurant in heaven and she makes the best jambalaya ever. She says that she's looking for her son but she is or was losing hope of ever finding him. ' Emily said as she happily ate her food. ' Ya and this taste exactly like her jambalaya that she made. Umm who made it? ' Adam said but I was shocked. It had to be her, my mom was looking for me in heaven while I'm down here in hell. ' Oh Alastor made the jambalaya! He said that it was his mother's recipe. ' Lucifer said. Adam and Emily looked at each other with the weird look in your face. Emily was about to say something until I got up and left and went to my room to think. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I left but I didn't care and I had so many questions.

* Lucifer Pov*
Alastor just randomly left the dinning room as we all stared at him.  ' I think Alister is the one Margaret was talking about the whole time. ' Emily said as Adam nodded his head. ' I'll be right back. You guys just eat. I'll talk to him. ' then I went to go see if he was ok. I can hear things being thrown in our room. I opened the door and saw that he was sitting on the floor crying while he had blood on his hands and on his cheek. ' ALASTOR! Fuck you're bleeding! Let me help you. ' I healed his wounds as he kept sobbing. ' What's wrong Alastor? Did something happen between you and Adam because if so I'll beat h- ' Alastor interrupted me by saying- ' It's not because of Adam but Emily said that Margaret was looking for her son. ' I looked at him while he kept sobbing. To be honest, I'm so used to seeing Alastor smile and now that he's not smiling it kinda looks odd but he still looks as handsome as ever. ' What about this Margaret person? ' I said. ' That was my mother's name, and I think that is her it has to be because they said that she was looking for her son. '  ' Al, there are plenty of people named Margaret that could also be looking for their son. So maybe it's not her but if you want I can try to pull some strings after the wedding so we can see your mom.' ' you would do that for me? ' I looked at him with a soft smile on my face. ' Of course I would. You're my soon to be husband after all. ' He chuckled then we went down to the lobby just to see everyone playing some board games.

{Kinda short chapter but I hope you liked it}

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