Time of our live

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* Lucifer Pov*
In the morning I woke up to see Alastor was gone. I thought that he probably was down stairs in the lobby. I changed into some black leggings and a red long sleeve shirt that had a cute duck on it. I went down to the lobby and saw that Charlie and Vaggie were cooking pancakes and bacon. I turned and saw Husk and Angel were dancing to jazz music and realized that Alastor was sitting on the couch watching them dance. He motioned me to go to the living room with him. I walked up to him and sat next to him as he kissed me on my head. " Good morning my love."  "Good morning to you too my dear." He then stood up and took out his hand which I took and we started dancing with Husk and Angel while Nifty, Cherri, Charlie and Vaggie watched. We were dancing like if nobody was watching, like if we were in our own world together. Once the music stopped we kissed and everyone was clapping. " WOW smiles I didn't know you can dance like that smiles." Angel said. Alastor looked at him and said-   " There's a lot of things you don't know about me. " He then looked at me and gave me a "Let's go somewhere" kinda look.   "Charlie, Alastor and I have to do important work so we won't be here till dinner time. " Charlie looked at me and gave me a thumbs up as she went back to cooking. Alastor and I left the hotel so we could walk around and talk about our future plans.  We were in cannibal Town and walked into a park and sat down on a bench. " Alastor, if we did have kids what do you think Charlie's reaction would be? " He looked at me and gave me a gentle smile. " I'm sure she would be happy and excited. " I was blushing a bit and I think Alastor could tell cause he asked- " why do you want to have kids already? Cause if you do we can make it happen. "  I could feel my face get hot. Damn I don't know what to say and I couldn't even move. " Let's go to the castle so we can keep talking about our plans for the future. " Alastor said holding my hand. I looked at him and agreed to go to the castle. We teleported to the castle and sat down on a couch in the living room. " Well if we do end up having kids, what do you think the gender would be? " Alastor said. " Oh umm to be honest I think it would be a girl. " He looked at me then said- " I think it would be a boy.  " He said that with so much pride. He looked at me and held my hand. " Shall we find out? " As Alastor stood up and held his hand out. I hesitated for a bit. " Come on you act like we haven't done it before~ " He said in a seductive way. " I don't know Alastor. I don't know if I can handle having a baby anymore I mean it's been a while since I took care of a baby. " He put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with a soft smile. " I understand but now you have me to help out with the fawn. " I smiled and stood up then hugged him.  "Fine, come on. " I took Alastor to the room. I looked at him as he pinned me on the wall and kiss me. We slowly started making out as Alastor put one of his hands on my waist. I let out small moans while Alastors tongue made it's way into my mouth. He picked me up, still pinning me against the wall. We made out for a few minutes when Alastor put me on the bed and started to unbuttoned my shirt. I unbuttoned him shirt as he started pulling off my pants slowly. I changed so I could have a vagina cause I had s feeling Alastor was going to start at any time. All of a sudden Alastor started slamming into me which made my whole body twitch as I moan so loud it sounded like I was screaming. He started going faster.

L: Ah~ Fuck~ Alastor~ mhm~

A: Don't worry~ Charlie will have a sibling soon~

L: Fuck~ Mhm~ Fuck me~ Ah~

L: w-wait your mhm~ you're going to fast~ fuck~ Ahh~ Alastor p-please~ I have to c-cum~

A: That's alright~ I just want you to have our kids soon~

L: oh fuck~ ahh~ holy shit~ mhm~ fuck I'm cumming~ ahh~ fuck~

Alastor kept going till I felt him cum in me, but he just kept going. He wouldn't stop at all. He started slowing down and going harder.

L: mhm~ f-fuck~ Alastor keep going~ ahh~ fuck~

Alastor started going faster getting every opportunity he got he went fast. He kept going till he found my sweet spot and started hitting the spot. I grabbed on to his shoulders as he kept slamming into my sweet spot.

L: AHH~ Alastor~ mhmm~ Fuck~ wait f-fuck slow down~ ahh~

Alastor started slowing down and started kissing my neck. Then he looked at me with a smirk on his face and went down to my neck again and started biting it.

A: mhm~ I missed the taste of your blood to be honest~ I forgot how sweet it tasted~

L: Fuck~ I need to cum again~ ahh~

A: Mhm~ it's ok~ cum all you want~

L: Ahh~ Fuck~ I'm cumming~

All of a sudden Alastor came right after I did. He stopped fucking me and decided to rest for tomorrow. He laid down next to me. Then I moved closer to him while he moved me onto his chest. When my head was on his chest, we started cuddled and ended up falling asleep.

*Emily pov*
I woke up from a dream I just had. It was about Charlie and two little babies that kind of looked like her but also looked like Alastor. I hope this happens cause I love babies. There the most adorable thing created in all of humanity.

* No one's pov*
Well, little that anybody knew Emily's "dream" was about to be real.

{ Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and if not who cares. Anyway bye y'all. }

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