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* Lucifer Pov*
Emily kept knocking on the door while I froze with the test in my hands. " Dad are you ok!? Answer me! " I didn't want Emily to worry about me but I didn't want them to know I was pregnant. " Lucifer I'm coming in!" Alastor said as I heard the door open. " Lucifer is everything alright?" Alastor look at me with a worried face. I was still kind of weird without him smiling but I was slowly getting used to it. I hid the pregnancy test in my back pocket cause I didn't want him to see it. He then hugged me and the test fell out of the pocket. I felt my heart dropped to my stomach as he asked what fell out of my pocket. "Oh uh it's nothing Alastor. Really it's nothing!" He picked it up and took a look at it. "What is this?" I came up with a lie. "Oh I- I'm sick." Then I realized Emily was behind Alastor and said: "Dad we can't get sick. Fallen angel or not we can't get sick."  Fuck Emily why'd you have to say something. "Oh uh Fuck I'm such a bad liar." Once I said that I looked up at Alastor. He had a shocked look on his face with tears in his eyes while he was holding the test. He then showed it to Emily and Adam (yes Adam was still with Emily) and Emily immediately shrieked with excitement while Adam gave me a thumbs up and a smirk. Alastor hugged me while I just stood there. I realized that I had to tell everyone at some point. I didn't know how Charlie would react. What about everyone else. Will they think it's weird?

* Alastor pov*
Once I stopped hugging Lucifer I looked at him and I could tell he was thinking about something. Maybe even overthinking about something. Did he not want to tell us he was pregnant? Did he not want another kid? Did he want it to be a surprise? I wasn't sure but it started bothering me. I looked at Emily and Adam and signaled them to leave, so they did. "Lucifer, what are you thinking about?" He looked at me but was trying to figure out what to say. "What do you think Charlie's reaction will be once she finds out?" He finally said after a bit. I looked at him as he hugged him looking at me. "I'm sure she'll be super excited just like Emily." I said as I hugged him back. We all went back to the hotel to find the hotel burning down and heard Nifty screaming for help. We all went twords Nifty to find Cherri passed out on the floor and Nifty was trying to carry her out of the hotel. Emily and Adam carried Cherri out of the hotel while I took Nifty with me. We went out of the hotel but soon realized that Lucifer wasn't out of the hotel. I ran back inside the hotel trying to find Lucifer. "Lucifer where are you!?" I then felt someone grabe my waist and went out side of the hotel. I saw Lucifer was on his knees coughing while the portrait of sir pentious, keekee, fat nuggets and dazel was next to him. His wings were covered in ashes from the fire. Emily used her powers to get rid of the fire. When the fire was out, Lucifer half of the hotel was burnt down. We saw Angel, Husk, Vaggie and Charlie running towards all of us. Angel and Husk ran up to Cherri and Nifty. Vaggie went to Emily and Adam to see if they were alright. Charlie ran to Lucifer and I. I helped Lucifer stand up again then Charlie came and hugged us crying asking what had happened. Nifty then walked up to us and told us who burned the hotel. "I know who did it. It was Lilith and the V's." Charlie looked like she wanted to kill someone and so did everyone else. Cherri then woke up not remembering what happened to the hotel. It took us hours to rebuild the hotel but once it was done Lucifer suggested that we all should rest in his castle and come back tomorrow. Everyone agreed to the plan.

*Lucifer Pov*
Once we made it to the castle I gave everyone a room. Alastor and I made dinner while everyone was doing their own thing. Once we were done cooking, I was serving the food while Alastor went to go get everyone. Everyone sat down on the table and started eating. Once everyone was done I told them that I had something important to say and to sit down in the main room. They left and it was just me and Alastor. "I don't know if I'm ready for this." I said. "Your going to be ok. I'm going to be right here with you." I nodded and we went to the main room. We walked in while I had the pregnancy test behind my back. I then looked at Charlie and smiled. She looked confused and I could tell that they all of wanted to know what I had to say. "Umm well I would love to say we have a new member joining our family." All of them stared at me with a confused look except for Adam and Emily. "Umm Dad if someone is joining the family where are they?" Charlie asked. I walked up to her and showed her the test. She started crying happy tears while everyone looked at the test and me repeatedly. "Holy shit. Well congratulations short King and smiles." Angel said. "Ye congrats guys." "Holy fuck Emily we're going to be older sister's!" Charlie said hugging Emily both of them jumping up and down with excitement.      "I know. I can't wait to see the babies. There going to be so adorable." Everyone looked at Emily confused and Adam looked happy like Emily to. "Wait Emily dear what do you mean them?" Adam then said "Ye I guess me and Emily had the same dream." Emily then looked at Adam. "Wait you had that dream too?" I started feeling dizzy. Having one kid was a lot but TWO I don't even know if I can take care of two. "Dad, are you ok?"  Charlie said holding my shoulder. "I- I can't take care of a kid let alone two! Oh no no no, what am I going to do?" Charlie then looked at me. "Well you have me, Vaggie, Angel, Husk, cherri, Adam, Emily, and Alastor. I don't know about Nifty tho." I started getting a headache and my vision was getting blurry. I could hear everyone but they sounded very muffled. Fuck what's happening. I heard was Alastor telling everyone that me and him were going to bed and I felt him picking me up. I then blacked out once he picked me up. I guess I was just overthinking about it. Maybe having twins won't be so bad.

{ Was that a crazy chapter or what? Anyway I thought about my idea for the second book I wanted to make and I think I'm going to do Huskerdust adopting the reader. I'll try to make it so. Bye guys. }

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