Why me? (day 6)

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{ so before I start the story, I want to say tysm for liking my story. I didn't think people would like it tbh but you guys do and I appreciate it. And also I think I'm going to stop doing the 3rd person pov cause it's kinda annoying. Anyway let go into the story.}

* Lucifer Pov*
In the morning I woke up to Alastor looking at me, in a very worried look. I tasted blood in my mouth and started coughing up the blood. Alastor ran into the bathroom and got the bucket that my brother let me keep. I just kept coughing. A some point I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was scared for Alastor and I. How was I supposed tell him I was dieing. I couldn't, I... I SHOULDN'T TELL HIM. When I stopped coughing I thanked Alastor for helping me.

*Alastor pov*
I woke up at around 5:30 a.m. I went to go in the kitchen trying not to wake up Lucifer. When I went down to the lobby I saw Nifty drinking some wine. 'Nifty dear, why are you drinking wine this early in the morning?' she just shrugged her shoulders as she pored her self another cup of wine. I took the wine and told her that she shouldn't be drinking early in the morning. All she did was throw a tantrum like a toddler. I carried her to her room and went I put her on her bed she was sound asleep. Then I when to go check on Lucifer. When I entered the room I heard him coughing. I sat in front of him. I was worried about him. Why is he coughing up blood? He woke up as a little bit of blood was on his lip. He started to cough again so I went to his bathroom to go find a bucket or something to catch his blood. When I held the bucket to catch the blood, he looked like he wasn't able to breathe as much. When he stopped coughing he thanked me for being there for him. I asked him if he was ok and he said 'Al I'm ok you don't have to worry about me my love.' then he gave me a hug, so I hugged him back.

*Lucifer Pov*
I tried getting my but when I got up I felt very dizzy. I fell on the floor and coughed up more blood, it scared me but then I realized that Alastor was carrying me and wiped the blood off of my mouth. (Alastor)- ' Lucifer are you sure you're ok? This isn't like you.' I felt bad not telling him but I didn't want him to worry about me. ' My dear, I... I'm fine. Don't worry about me.' Alastor put me on my bed and stroked his fingers threw my hair. I felt my heart racing. I hated lying to Alastor but I didn't want him to worry about me till the day I died. ' oh Alastor. My brother told me that my ex-wife is going to come to hell and try to destroy the hotel.' (Alastor)- 'How does he know that?' ' Cause Lilith was in heaven the whole time and they found out about the extermination.' I didn't want to tell him anything else.

---3rd person pov---

Lucifers phone started ringing, it was Charlie who was calling. Lucifer picked up his phone and answered it.

*Charlie pov*
Hey Dad, how are you feeling? Are you ok?

*Lucifer Pov*
I was about to tell my daughter how I was felling until I started coughing up more blood than before. Alastor took my phone and told Charlie that I was coughing up blood again and that he'll call her back not even letting Charlie say anything. 'Alastor.... Why d- did you hang up with Charlie?' That all I said before feeling dizzy and passed out on top of Alastor.

*Alastor pov*
I took Lucifer to heaven immediately because he had blood coming out of his mouth and on top of that he passed out on me. When I got to heaven I told the small boy that I had to take Lucifer to his brother immediately. The small boy let me in and sera led me to Lucifers brother Michael. 'MICHAEL HELP LUCIFER PLEASE. I... I don't know what happened he just passed out. Michael took Lucifer and told me to follow him.

*Michael pov*
My poor baby brother was dieing and he partner probably didn't even know so I asked him. ' Did my brother tell you that he is dieing slowly?' He looked at me like if I had just shot his whole family. (Alastor)- 'He... He's dieing? No no no.... He... He can't die! He's the KING OF HELL! HE CAN'T DIE!' I know that Alastor was the one and only radio demon but I didn't think he would have a soft spot to him, let alone for my brother. ' I know your upset Alastor. But it's almost his time to go.' Alastor replied with- ' NO HE CAN'T DIE WHAT ABOUT ME A-AND CH-CHARLIE?!' ' who's Charlie?' I asked. Alastor then went on to explain that Charlie was my brother's daughter. So that means that I have a niece. Then Alastor showed me a picture of Charlie, she looked almost identical to my brother. Speaking about Lucifer, it turns out that he is dieing faster than last time they came here. ' Alastor I have a inform you that Lucifer is dieing faster and can be gone by any time this week.

*Alastor pov*
When Michael told me that Lucifer was dieing faster I had to accept that the love of my life was meeting his final day. ' I will watch over your brother until he takes his final breath.' Michael then nodded his head and I took Lucifer and went to the hotel. When we were in the hotel I took Lucifer to my room so he can rest. I kissed him on his head, ' Te amo Moco mi amor' I said as I walked out of the room.


*Lucifer Pov*
'I love you too Alastor' then I fell asleep thinking, why am I dieing? Why me?

{Bye guys I hope you like the chapter}

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