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*Vaggie pov*
I stood by Charlie's side trying to comfort her as for Alastor, he was a complete mess. Alastor just held the kings hand still crying begging for him to wake up. I took Charlie out of the room while Angel and the rest of them stayed with Alastor.

*Husk pov*
I've never seen Alastor this sad since he told me about his past about his mother. He was a mess. I tried to get him to leave the room so Nifty could clean the room. He got up, his ears were all the way down, tears running down his face. Before we left the room Alastor kissed Lucifer. We were all shocked. After Alastor had kissed Lucifer he used the shadows to go to his room and he locked himself in his room.

* Vox pov*
As I spyed on Alastor and the princess. I've never seen Alastor cry, it almost made me cry just seeing cry. When the group left the room I then see Lucifer. Then I put the pieces together, on why Charlie and Alastor were crying. The king of hell had died. I decided to tell velvet and Valentino and post it all over the hell. When I posted the news comments and views where blowing up. Comments like " long live the king" or "aww the poor princess". I couldn't help but notice Alastor's face. I keep playing back in my head and I felt bad for him.

When I heard about Lucifer's passing I knew I had to go see the princess and his "partner", so i made my way to the hotel.

*Charlie pov*
I couldn't sleep at all. Vaggie stayed up with me as I just sobbed. My dad is gone. I knew this day would happen but I didn't think it would be while my mom was who knows where. Oh how I wish my mom was here. To be there for her husband.... To be there for me.

*Alastor pov*
Why did he have to go! Why?! I wish I was the one who was gone...Not Lucifer. I kept throwing things at the wall anything that was close to me I threw. I was about to throw something.... I was small though. When I saw what it was I couldn't help but sit on the floor and cry. It was a small rubber duck of Lucifer. It had every little detail of him. From his coat to his hat and the ducks eyes were yellow with a hint of red just like his eyes. I just held it close to me. It was going to be the only thing that I have left of him besides Charlie.

Finally made it to the hotel. When I knocked on the door I was expecting for the princess to open the door but it was a young lady that had white hair and she had purple skin that looked almost grey. " Hello there I'm loo-" she just slammed the door in my face.

*Vaggie pov*
When I opened the door I was not expecting to see her. I slammed the door and ran to get charlie.' CHARLIE YOU HAVE TO SEE WHO CAME TO THE FUCKING HOTEL!" She was looking at me with a 'you better not be lying' type of face but I told her that she HAS to see who was at the door. She got out of bed and ran down the stairs to the lobby.

*Charlie pov*
When Vaggie told me that I "HAD" to go to the door to see who was there, I ran out of the room and went down stairs and opened the door. Oh my goodness. It can't be. 'MOM' 'Where have you been?' she said that she had important business that she had to take care of. I hugged her as the rest of the group was shocked. She hugged me back as I cried. She asked me where Dad was so I took her to his room. When we entered the room I looked down at the floor not wanting to see my dad's body.

*Lilith pov*
When Charlie took me to Lucifers room I couldn't help but noticed that she looked at the floor like if she saw him she would have a break down. I saw my ex-husband... Oh poor Luci. I knew that this day would happen. I only knew because God told me that when me and Lucifer had a happy family that he will take away the love of my life as a punishment. That's the whole reason why after Charlie was born we split up. The only reason that I stayed with him was because of Charlie, once she was older I left with out saying a word. I left to go to heaven to try and convince God to not make Lucifer die for Charlie. But when God found out that Lucifer loved some one else he made Lucifer die. I feel bad for the person that Lucifer was dating.

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