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Author's note: Hi guys! Yes, I uploaded this super quickly :) This chapter is dedicated to luluakaalyssa! Without further ado, here is Adjustments...

Sara's point of view

"Excuse me?"

"I didn't say anything," Godmother replied, raising her eyebrow, a signature trait which all of the Parkers posessed. 


"It was just the wind,dear," she said uneasily. She must've heard it as well.

I stared at her eyes, it would get awkward soon enough. She'll have to leave, or at least break the tension.

Her eyes were chocolate brown with specks of light reflected from the overhanging crystal chandelier. They had a sense of sadness in them that was most apparent when she looked away,staring into space. They held knowledge in them, but secrets as well, secrets that should be let out. 

"You poor thing, let's get you upstairs." 

Thank God she decided to drop the topic.

"Would to come upstairs with me?" Stairs. They separated me from my parents. I should have perished with them, then I would've been with them for eternity.

"Of course dear, I promise that you'll be safe with us."

"Thanks," I murmured.

"I'm going to call the police, ok? I'll tell them about what happened and that you're safe," she said, making her way to her bedroom.

Safety was what she had promised me. Promises weren't meant to be broken.

                                        ---------------------15 minutes later---------------------------- 

"What the hell!" I shrieked, quickly wrapping my towel around me.  Wasn't he at Brain's house?

"I never knew you used expletives," Gerard said, smirking. I fought the urge to wipe that sickening smirk off his face permanently. I'm sure I could've done that.

Pacing around the room, I glowered at him.

"You invade my privacy just one more time and you...." I felt faint as I remembered my parents. It should have been me. That bastard should've killed me instead.

"Mom! Mom!" Gerard called, panicking. That was unusual, why did I suddenly feel...

I heard Godmother's heels clanking up the marble stairs as she glanced at me and gasped. "Oh God," she muttered.

My knees buckled as my vision faded, submerging me into a world of darkness.

My father approached me, without my mother. "What happened?" I asked. He appeared in a trance like state as I tried not to cringe at him.

I couldn't bear to look at his face. His cheeks were sunken in, looking like molten magma, with bits of raw flesh scattered everywhere. His nose was simply put, a bone jutting out of his nostrils. His lips were cracked and the bottom lip was parted halfway. Drops of blood stained the split in his lips.

But I couldn't look him in the eyes, for when I did, vile threatened to pour out of my stomach. His vivid blue eyes the only thing I could recognize him by, they still hadn't lost their spark, their warmth, their worry.

"You can't bear to look at me now that I'm a hideous beast, can you?" Father said in a hoarse voice, breaking the silence. I attempted to make eye contact with him but failed miserably.

"Nu sunt sigure, ele vă vor găsi."

"I don't understand what you're saying."

"Nu sunt sigure, ele vă vor găsi!"  He said, slowly vanishing , fading into the distance like a ray of light.

"Sara, it's us, stop screaming!" Godmother pleaded.

He was alive.

"He's not dead."

Godmother gulped. "Sweetheart, that was just a dream. The coroner is examining your parent's bodies. They are dead. I know it's hard to-" I cut her of mid-sentence.

"Stop lying to me!" 

"She's gone berserk again!" My youngest god brother, Glastian, exclaimed.

"Shut up! All of you, out." I hissed. The bedroom door slammed, leaving me in pure silence.

What did nu sunt sigure, ele vă vor găsi mean?

"You don't want to know." a voice replied, from the corner of my room. A cloaked figure approached me.

"Who are you?" I whispered, my hands trembling.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" 

"Get out, before I call them."

"Nice try sweetheart, this room is soundproof."


"How the heck did you manage to come in?"

"I have my ways."

"Enough with the vague answers already!" 

"Twins can never be separated for long."

"Excuse me?"

"You will know the secret once you find her. "

"What are you talking about?"

"Whatever you do, be careful my dear, don't trust him."

He then proceeded to walk straight into a wall, leaving me in pure silence.

So, do you guys think that Sara's father is dead? Leave your answer in the comments below :D Thank you guys so much for reading, see you next time! :D I will try to update as much and as soon as possible! :)


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