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Kate's point of view

*The next day*

"You're not from the upper district. Please go back to your district for registration," a bored CDOP officer said monotonously.

"I'll pay for her citizenship," Godmother said, startling all of us, especially me.

"You can't-" I began.

"How much does it cost?"

"Ma'am are you sure you want to pay a billion dollars for that...thing?"

My eyes flashed with fury as I balled up my fist.

You're just itching for a fight aren't you?

"Don't you dare call her a thing again, you hear me? If I ever hear you say that one more time, you can kiss your citizenship goodbye," Godmother snapped, jabbing him in the chest with her slender finger.

His face went slack, his mouth slightly open as he tried to comprehend the situation.

That's right you asshole. Not every citizen of the upper district is as snobby as you are.

"Um...I'll get the paperwork ma'am. I'll be back in about half an hour," he said finally, immediately heading towards the exit.

"Some people are such assholes," Godmother mumbled under her breath.

"Y-You really didn't have to do that..." I stuttered.

She let out a loud guffaw, leaving us staring at her quizically.

"A billion dollars is nothing."

"Can you buy us the new portal then?" Gerard asked, using his best puppy dog face to stare at her.

"Absolutely not! I don't see the need to spend a billion dollars on a portal, do you?"

"But you said it was nothing-"

"Can you kids go upstairs please?" Godmother asked, wory lacing her voice, eyes darting about in concern.

"Why? Are those murderers gonna kill us as well?" Glastian asked, his eyes widening.

"Honey, go upstairs and lock the door please."

My heart rate quickened until it became as quick as the thrumming wings of a hummingbird.

"Why aren't you coming with us? Mom, what's going on? Tell us please," Gerard begged.

"For f*ck's sake, can't you just go upstairs like I asked you to?" 


"Please go..." she said as mascara streamed down her face.

"I love you," we said,  running up the stairs until we were short of breath. 

"" Gerard called, panting as he led us to an empty room on the third floor, locking the door. 

Right then, we heard a ear-piercing scream . 

"No-" Glastian began, his eyes flashing with fury as he punched the wall and collapsed to the floor in a heap.

"Why did momma have to go?" he wailed, hugging Gerard tightly.

"Shut up! You're going to give away our location," he said, before biting his lower lip.

"Knock-knock," a voice said teasingly.

We remained silent, crouching behind an old sofa.

"C'mon, I know you're in there," he said, kicking down the door as though it were a piece of flimsy wood.

"I've found you," a voice said from behind us. At that moment, my whole world crumbled. He'd killed everyone-almost everyone-that I cared about and now, he was going to end our lives as well.

"F*ck you you motherf*cking bastard!" Gerard fumed,attempting to punch the man in the gut.

He dodged Gerard's punch easily, while letting out a hearty guffaw.

"Mister...why do you want us?" Glastian asked, trembling in fear.

"You don't need to be polite to that f*cking asshole Glas, he's nothing but a coward who hides behind his mask," Gerard spat.

"Take me," Sara said quietly,still not prepared to turn and face the man whom had ended her parents' lives. 

"No! We'll get through this together!"Gerard screamed.

" tempting as that sounds...I'll have to pass up on that offer sweetheart."

Hearing that  made her snap. She smiled widely, in an inane way before turning to face him.

"Sara?" I asked fearfully.

She can't be having another breakdown now,oh God, she can't possibly having a breakdown now.

 My words fell on deaf ears as she just stared into his black, souless eyes, getting up slowly. Then, she walked to the doorway, bending to pick up a splinter of wood. 

"Sara! What the hell are you doing?" Gerard screamed, the man stopped him from running after Sara as he watched her incredulously.

"My daddy used to call me sweetheart all the time," she mumbled, looking at the ground, clutching onto the piece of wood.

After a moment of pure silence, she lifted up the piece of wood and pierced her throat.

Author's note: I'm so sorry I haven't updated until now! I had a ton of school work and exams and my grand aunt just died :( (R.I.P).

So, my story has hit about 70 reads and 6 votes, for which I am so thankful for. :D

I know that when you write on Wattpad, it is not for the reads but I was thinking that you guys could comment (I like hearing what you guys think and what you suspect would happen next) and vote so I know that you like my story :).

The next chapter will be action-packed and it will have an unepeced twist. Be sure to check it out! :D

I hope you all have a great week! I'll probably upload on either the weekend or by next week, I promise.


EDIT: I know it might be confusing to some readers, seeing that the guy whom supposedly killed Sara's parents was killed by Unknown so you might wonder how he's "alive" again. Let me explain. There were TWO guys whom attempted to kill Sara's parents. The one whom tried to get Sara was the guy whom Unknown killed and the one whom killed Sara's parents is the REAL Unknown but he set up the guy to go after Sara as he was planning to disfigure Tanya and Jeremy's bodies himself. The other guy said "sweetheart" because Unknown had told him to say that as Sara is sensitive to that word. Sara didn't recognize the difference in their voice as Unknown gave the guy a "voice disguise" type of device so they both sounded the same.

I hope this cleared up any misconceptions in the story! If not, you can either PM me or leave a comment down below. :)

I'll be updating TD really soon so make sure to catch the next action-packed chapter!

Remember to vote and comment on this chapter if you enjoyed it!

<3 Jally 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2013 ⏰

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