Chapter 1

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I sighed as I stared out the window of my bedroom which was upstairs. 3 zombies has passed by the house in the past 5 minutes. Alyssa sat quietly on my bed fiddling with her fingers. She hasn't spoke since we watched the news. I new she was scared and I was too obviously but I had to seem strong.

I got up, sitting in my room was not going to keep us safe.


She looked up at me with tears threatening to leave her eyes. I hated to see her like this, I tried to not let myself break down in tears also.

"Don't worry, okay? Now, C'mon! Let's get some food, weapons, and whatever we need and we will be fine. Just get it quick and quietly."

I held my hand out and she took it, pulling herself up. I smiled lightly and walked over to the door, sliding it open silently. I hope no zombies got in here...

I put my back against the wall and went down the stairs, you know, just in case. Once I reached the last step I glanced around. The house was silent and empty other than Alyssa and I. I ran to the kitchen grabbing almost all the things I thought we could use as a weapon. Alyssa grabbed food and water. We piled it all on the kitchen counter,

"I'm going to go get a big basket out of my room, I'll be right back!"

I nodded as she ran up the stairs. I grabbed a knife and looked around, waiting for something to happen.

Alyssa appeared into the kitchen carrying this huge basket.

"Woah, dude!"

I laughed as she set it on the counter and began stuffing our pile into it. I stood guard as she grabbed some more things. I looked over to her and she gave a thumbs up meaning she's done. As we began to head up stairs a loud screech from outside on the street was heard. Alyssa grabbed my arm,

"Please don't!"

She whispered with terror in her eyes.

I removed my arm out of her grip and ran towards the kitchen window. I moved the curtain and looked out at the world which was now mostly dead. A huge bus with 'One Direction' printed on the sides sat in front of our house. I stared at the bus watching for any movements of some sort inside. One direction? Isn't that like a- nevermind.

Two boys started hitting the door and yelling. They were standing outside the bus, why would they do that? Why aren't they smart. (note the sarcasm) I didn't get a good look at the boys, I turned towards Alyssa.

"Stay here."

I said as I pointed my finger at her. She new better than to argue with me.

I have to save them, even if it means me getting killed. Before my parents died a while ago, my mother told me to put others before me. I picked up two knifes and opened the front door, walking out closing it behind me.


I yelled as I ran towards them, they looked at me. Something about them made them... Familiar.

"You are attracting attention!"

I pulled to a stop as I reached them, I looked around. No zombies headed towards us, Well from what I can see.

I tightly held the knives in my hands as I blurted the words I new I would regret later on.

"You can come and stay with me. It's not safe out here."

Out of no where three other boys showed up beside the other two.

I remembered that Alyssa was still in the house... By herself. I ran back to the house motioning for the boys to follow and they did. That was until I was tackled to the ground with a big impact.

I screamed as the figure started growling, staring at me hungrily with its cloudy, lifeless eyes. Oh god, someone help me please!

I started punching the zombie since my knives were thrown out of my hands from the blow. Nothing. It didn't affect it at all.

I shut my eyes, I don't want to die. Atleast not like this. I waited for something to attack me but nothing did. I opened my eyes as liquid fell onto my cheek and a little on my neck. It was blood. I saw the blonde boy hovering over me with one of my knifes in the back of the zombies skull.

The boy pushed the zombie aside like it was nothing and helped me up.

"Are you okay? Did you get bitten?"

"I'm fine and no. Thank you."

I smiled a small smile at him then I began running again. I threw the door open seeing Alyssa no where in sight. All the boys came in beside me, the last boy slammed the door closed and locked it. I bent over, trying to catch my breath.


I screeched as I stood up again. Please be okay, I only left you alone for about ten minutes! A cabinet door creaked open making me turn around nearly snapping my neck. Alyssa was inside the cabinet... Eating chips? Wow, Never underestimate her. Everyone started laughing as she did too. You know, that was until she began choking. One of the boys ran over to her and pulled her out of the cabinet. He did that thing to save the life of a choking person. (forgot the name haha) I stood there in shock as a chip flew out of her mouth landing on a boy with brown hair's face.


I tried to not laugh and so did everyone else. I bite my tongue as I talked,

"Okay, let's go up to my room. One of you boys, can you grab the basket?"

"Look, we just met you-"


Dirty minded people these days!!!

I facepalmed as a boy with curly hair lifted the basket up from the counter. He was smirking big time. I just noticed this, I was still in my pajamas... And so was Alyssa. Well this is Awkward.

I walked up the stairs with everyone following. I didn't like feeling like a leader. It was weird.

Once everyone was in the room, I shut the door and pushed my dresser in front of it. I felt more safe now.

"Since you guys are staying with us... You are sleeping on the floor."

All boys looked at me with shock,

"It's my room. Girls are on the bed and boys are on the floor. Got it?"

Sorry, I am not ever really bossy but since we are in a zombie apocalypse with clueless people, I have to take control.

All the boys nodded and sat in random places In the room. I grabbed the bag of chips out of Alyssa's hand and started munching on them.


Alyssa asked As she sat next to me,


She giggled at my response. The boys were chuckling or smiling as they tuned into our conversation.

"I'm just wondering... But do you think our familys are still alive?"

And with that question, my phone started ringing. I picked it up and saw the ID. It was was my step sister. I answered the call without hesitation..


I dropped my phone, sending it to the floor with my hands trembling as I heard my step sister screaming her heart out through my phone. I couldn't do anything to help her...

that thought killed me.


HEY GUYS! I know this sucked. Sorry, I was trying to write it quickly. Do you like it? Maybe? No? Oh okay... Lol but tell me what you think!!!!!!!

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