Chapter 5

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I climbed up the tree, grabbing and pulling myself up branch by branch. After I climbed pretty high up and found a fat and strong branch to rest on, I slipped my belt off. Wrapping it tightly around one of my legs to keep me grounded.

The strange boy told me to go rest while he found something to eat and of course I did that without hesitation. I needed my space, to think quietly to myself, to keep me distracted for a while.

I rubbed my eyes before sitting back and getting comfortable. Shutting my eyes, I decide to think to myself. I picked a good branch, I could somewhat see what's below me and on the ground in front of me.

"Im so confused..."

I whispered under my breath, it's true. I was confused. Why is a zombie apocalypse happening? I wanna save Alyssa but I'll probably get myself killed! I just-

"Why are you confused?"

A soft voice said somewhat behind me, making me jump. I scream as I start falling to my left, a firm grip grabs my wrist, as my body dangles there with my leg still strapped and my wrist caught. I stare up at the boy who I've been with for the past couple of hours.

"I didn't mean to scare you! Sorry!"

He pulled me back up into a sitting position, still gripping my wrist to make sure. I sat there quietly, this is not okay! For one, I might've just given away my little hide out, and two, I ALMOST DIED!

"What do you want?"

I spoke, but it only came out as a shaky whisper. So much for being tough, right?

"Look, can't we just drop the whole 'I hate you' act?! Since we need to work together, you have to deal with me. So lets start off..."

The boy got quiet as I stared at him with different emotions. Why am I even holding a grudge? He's the boy who saved me and took me under his arm for god sakes! I sighed and nodded my head, I'll just have to deal with it.

"What's thy lady's name?"

The strange boy asked, acting like him and I are royalty. I rolled my eyes slowly, smiling a little.

"Hannah... Hannah Martinez."

I said proudly, holding my right hand out for him to shake it.

"Cole but my friends called me Cole Train."

He shook my hand as I laughed, nice nickname dude. I dropped my hand and brought it to my side, my eyes drooping, wanting to close. I wanted to know more things about him but I decided to not press forward. It was beginning to get darker outside by the minute. I closed my eyes again, siting back.

"Whatever, I'm going to sleep. Night Cole."

I wrapped my arms tightly and protectively around my waist. I snuggled myself? Warming myself up with my own body heat.

As I was half awake/half asleep, Cole chuckled before adding the last couple of words to me before I fell fully asleep.

"Cole Train."

He corrected me, making me softly chuckle as I was 99.9% asleep. I was actually more prepared then I thought I would be for what I'm going to do when Cole's asleep, which I hope he will be.


Liam told me to hide in the closet with Niall and that's where I am right now. Niall shifted from where he was on the other side of Hannah's walk in closet. I could tell he was trying to find a way to peek out the door but there really was no way. I brought my knees up to my chest, hiding in the farthest corner from the door.


I whispered, I was literally scared out of my mind. I've never been this scared before... Well actually I have been close to being this scared when this group of jocks kept messing with me at school and after school, well you could say they were creepy stalkers.

Niall looked at me and slowly crawled over to me. I need his assurance.


He asked, pulling his SnapBack off, which I never noticed before. He sat beside me and sat in the same position as me.

"Are we going to be okay?"

I asked with worry in my tone, his expressions made me uneasy. I saw nervousness, worry, and fear run through his face but got covered with a blank look.

"The boys promised you will be okay, especially with me also protecting you."

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder as a few tears streamed down my face, I quickly brushed them off.

"I'm just so scared..."

I whispered as I heard a loud bang outside the closet making me jump as Niall stood up, holding his weapon, which was a shotgun that Hannah and I put under my bed for safety.

"Stay here."

Niall demanded as he inched closer to the closet door. I sat there frozen with wide eyes.


He shushed me as he put his index finger up to his lips, Why is he doing this?! He said I will be fine! I don't even have a weapon!

With one swift movement, Niall threw the closet door open, blinding me from the bedrooms bright light.

Authors Note:

Hope this was good! What do you think Hannah's gonna do? What about Nialler?? Hmmmm..... Leave comments below on what you think and Vote for my story maybe? Haha

HannahBear xx

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