Chapter 02🥀

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           Ai silently stood at the staircase, watching the workers and maids rushing here and there, busy in decorating the ballroom of the Souen estate where parties are usually held. Her bored gaze landed on the bucket of red roses which were taken there. The red flower petals made her let out a sad sigh, recalling a memory.


"O-Oto-san. L-Look what I-I b-brought for y-you fr-om the g-garden." Ai's tiny steps were heard as she rushed to her father's study. Her small hands were carefully holding some fresh roses.

"Ai-san!" The maid who was assigned to look after her also ran behind her to stop her, being slightly irritated. Ai excitedly went to her father but Haru was busy in that time, deeply engrossed in a business stuff. When he looked at the little girl and the red flowers it triggered him cause roses were Akane's favourite and Ai exactly looked like her. Feeling disturbed, he harshly grabbed those flowers causing his palm to bleed.

"O-Oto-san! Your h-han-" She flinched feeling his stone cold glare on her.

"Do not come to me unless you need something necessary."

Flashback ends.

Ai snapped out of her thoughts feeling a sudden pain in the middle of her forehead. She rubbed the spot in pain and looked at the person who flicked her forehead, her older step-brother, Airu Souen.


"What happened to you? I called you so many times but you were so lost in your dreamland." Airu narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"And what are you doing here in this time? Are you planning on skipping the party as always? If not then do not tell me you are thinking of attending the party with this outfit."

Ai quickly responded by shaking her head negatively. At least Airu wasn't cold to her like others but he was bossy and a selfish person. He won't cause any harm as long as he is not involved in any mess.

"Then why are you still standing? Go to your room. You girls need so much time to get ready."

Ai politely nodded and headed to her room, not wanting to piss the blonde male. As soon as she opened the door of her room her eyes broadened meeting with the familiar presence already present inside.

"M-Mama?" She whispered, catching the lady's attention who was none other than her stepmother and her father's second wife, Yume Souen. The older lady smiled brightly, calling the red haired girl.

"Come here, Ai." Ai came closer, only to find a mannequin there wearing a beautiful light-coloured dress.

"I designed it. Isn't it pretty?" Yume put her hands on both sides of her waist, smiling proudly.

"And I want you to wear it for tonight's party." Ai stayed silent for a moment before looking at the other dresses which were lying on the bed. Yume looked at her and then at the dresses before she ordered the maids present there,

"Take those clothes away and leave us alone. Also tell the stylist to not come." When the maids left Yume approached the red haired girl and patted her shoulder.

"Cause I will style you today."

Ai did not utter any words. Yume was one of the two persons in this household who acted nice with her. After all, not all the step mothers are as bad as they are told to be.

After sending Ai to change, Yume sat on the sofa and flipped the pages of a fashion magazine, patiently waiting for the girl. Some moments later the young Souen's meek voice was heard.

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