🥀Chapter 03

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A few moments ago,

"You know, Ayame-chan. I have planned a surprise." Satoru twirled the blonde girl before pulling her closer again.

"Is it so?" Ayame smiled, dancing along with the white haired male.

"May I know what kind of surprise is that, Gojo-san?"

"Uh uh. I will not tell but can give you a hint. I want to build an alliance with the Souens." Satoru smirked seeing the twinkling gaze of Ayame. Perhaps, she got the hint.

"Hold on. Is it what I am thinking?" She said excitedly, gripping onto his firm shoulders. The young Gojo put his index finger over her lips.

"Shh~ It is a surprise. You will get to hear from me soon~"

Suguru observed every move of his best friend and the blonde girl as they danced. He mentally praised how perfectly the white haired male acted. It did not take much time to catch Ayame's heart. He rolled his eyes hearing some of the guests gossiping about them, telling how lovely and gorgeous they looked together. Satoru would definitely laugh out and make fun of it if he heard them.

When their dance ended Satoru instantly walked away from the blonde girl. Suguru noticed the disappointment in Ayame's green eyes. The girl probably wanted to spend more time with Satoru. He knew the female Souen always admired the young Gojo, had thought of many dreams with him, written page after page about him in her diary. Naoya was just a way to avoid her feelings for Satoru but deep inside she has eyes for the white haired male. Suguru let out a small chuckle at her foolish feelings. Satoru never had interest in any girl neither one caught his attention unless it is related to his benefits. He was nonchalant and playful around his close ones but unsympathetic and cruel to the people he despises. Shaking his head Suguru moved his gaze at his best friend. His pupils delighting in surprise seeing the scene. A playful smirk crept on his lips as he chose to watch the show while enjoying the dessert with another glass of drink.


Satoru got disturbed at first when someone crashed on his chest all of a sudden. His hands moved on their own to hold her from falling. He was about to say something but when his eyes met with those teary ones, his heart melted. He could hear the rapid thumps of the red haired girl's heart, vibrating through her chest. Her glossy grey eyes made his heart clench unknowingly, wanting to shed blood of that very person who was the cause of it. Judging her action and seeing Naoya behind her he assumed that the asshole probably did something. He could not understand why he was suddenly feeling so protective of an unknown girl. Ai was unable to utter anything. So he whispered,

"If you want to avoid him then dance along with me." Holding her arms, he stepped back, allowing the girl to follow his pace. When they came to the middle of the dance floor, the Gojo held one of her hands before guiding it to his lips. Ai's heart skipped a beat, goosebumps rushed through every part of her body when his warm lips came in contact with the back of her hand. Satoru liked the perfume she used. It was mild, reminding him of both chocolate and vanilla. His other hand skilfully moved its way to her slim waist. Ai hesitated at first but avoiding Naoya was more important in that time so she went along with the flow, placing her free hand over his shoulder. His grip was gentle, his tender touch was warm as if it was burning her skin to crave for more. While they moved rhythmically with the music, Satoru observed her face. She was not looking at him at all, trying hard to avoid his gaze. She was tall and lean, almost reaching his chin wearing heels. She has a round forehead, cute small nose and thin lips. Her grey eyes were large, red lashes were long and thick and she has wavy short red hair, styled with some bangs of hair tied with a hair accessory, covering the other side of her forehead. Her dress illustrates her dark hair; a light coloured top which perfectly hugs her curves, showing her shoulder blades and beauty bones. It has translucent puffed sleeves, reaching till her wrists and a matching coloured bow in the middle of her dress' neck which has black strip lines. Numerous tiny flowers with branches were embroidered in a darker shade of the colour. The long black mermaid skirt, high heels, small diamond earrings, a matching necklace and the hair accessory along with the light makeup completed the outfit. She was as beautiful as any other girl Satoru has seen, not too attractive to catch instant attention like Ayame.

Ai took some courage and looked up to meet his gaze only to find him already staring at her. Her eyes showed the glints of sincerity, innocence and loneliness, gripping his hand ever so tightly as if she will break into a million pieces like a glass if he loosens his grip. She shivered feeling the depths of his blue hues, screaming of nothing but power and dominance. He was fairly handsome; having a defined jawline, sharp nose and glossy lips. His white hair reached the base of his neck with an undercut. He was so tall, having a well bulit body, making him relatively attractive with the black tuxedo he was wearing.

Despite being taller than the other girls Satoru liked how small she looked in front of him. Her slender figure perfectly fits in his arms. His hand was probably the double size of her own one. Faint blush crept on Ai's cheeks as he kept staring at her shamelessly. His gaze moved to her thin red lips. How would they feel against his plump and glossy ones? He leaned down to her level, sliding his index finger under her chin to tilt her face up. Her lips trembled when his hot breath fell over them. Her heartbeat has fastened again, hands shaking in nervousness, making him chuckle deeply. He pressed his lips against her cheek instead, leaving a small peck there before moving away.

"I had fun with you, sweetheart." The corner of his lips tugged upwards as he smirked before getting lost in the crowd, leaving the red haired girl in a daze. The tips of her fingers touched the spot where he kissed and she slowly blinked. The warmth of his lips was still lingering there making her cheeks turn into the deepest shade of red. She stood there still, devouring of every part of the moment in her mind.

"Ai." Her trance broke hearing her mother's voice. Yume approached her, a warm smile tagging on her lips.

"I was searching for you, sweetie. Have you eaten something?" Her tone was full of concern as the young Souen was ignorant towards her health. Ai replied by shaking her head negatively.

"Come with me, dear."

The red haired girl took a short glance at the direction before walking with the older lady. Yume widened her eyes seeing the small glimpse of Ai's twinkling orbs. She was not sure if she saw it correctly or not as the grey hues again went blank. Letting out a sad sigh she turned her heels.

For a moment, she thought she saw liveliness in those grey eyes, instead of pain and dullness.

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