Chapter 10🥀

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            The warmth was what Ai craved for. She snuggled closer to the pillow, curling into a ball. The grey in her pupils were clouded with haze and sleep as she squinted her eyes before slowly opening them. The room was still dark as the curtains blocked the sunlight to come in. She wiggled out of the duvet and sat up, running a hand over her left arm to her shoulder. After uncountable sleepless nights she had a good sleep last night. A faint blush crept on her cheeks looking down at herself. She admits she did enjoy his warm cuddles. As his thoughts knocked in her mind she looked beside her.

Satoru was still in deep sleep, looking youthful and handsome as always. He was lying on his stomach, with a pillow under his muscular arm. The duvet had fallen over his butt and his shirt had rolled up a bit, exposing a little amount of his waist. His legs were occupying almost the whole bed, one being tangled with her own ones. Ai fondly watched him breathing steadily, inhaling and exhaling. Pulling the duvet over him she then slowly removed his leg from her and got out of the bed. Taking a pair of clothes she went to the bathroom to change and freshen up.


The first person Ai met after climbing down the stairs was Ijichi.

"Good morning, my lady." He greeted politely. Ai responded with a nod and a tiny smile.

"Pardon me for my rudeness, I did not meet you yesterday thinking you might be tired. I am Kiyotaka Ijichi, Gojo-san's butler here." 

Ai listened to him. She was hesitant to say any word which the male noticed too.

"Uh, I am sorry again. I am aware of your circumstance. You do not need to force yourself, my lady. Instead, you can express your thoughts by writing to me. I will be happy to serve you." Ijichi said and pulled out a small yet thick notepad and pen from his pocket. Ai stared at the things for a moment before taking them. She quickly scribbled something there which made Ijichi smile brighter than before.

Thank you, Ijichi-san. I would appreciate it more if we leave the formalities.

"As you wish, Ai-san." He said.

"It is still early in the morning. I am afraid the maids have gone to their college by now. But I can make you something now if you wish, my lady."

Do not bother. I am planning to make something. Can you tell me where the kitchen is?

"O-Okay. As you wish, my lady." Ijichi showed her the way while accompanying her. He did not say anything back cause Satoru forbade him to do it and strictly said he should fulfill every single wish of his wife. Moreover, he did not expect a Souen to be this soft hearted.

Ai gasped seeing the kitchen. There were not many things in the cabinets, almost everything was empty. Ijichi rubbed the back of his neck.

"Gojo-san usually does not stay here. The maids have college so they also leave early and eat there which is why we do not buy many things here."

What about you?

Ai showed him what she wrote.

"I eat cereal most of the time and order lunch and dinner from outside." The red haired girl  let out a heavy sigh. She needed to fix so many things here. She then wrote,

Does he like anything particular? Special something?

"You mean Gojo-san? He loves sweets, too much."

Ai nodded and rolled up her sleeves. She checked the fridge and fortunately found a few eggs and fruits there. There were breads too. Perfect for something sweet!
Ijichi stood in a corner and watched the girl cook. 

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