🥀Chapter 09

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          "Did I say something funny?" Satoru's annoyed tone made the certain black haired male chuckle louder than before.

"Someone who has tons of experience with ladies, is asking me what to do in the wedding night? Shoko is going to laugh her ass out."

"What does Shoko has to do with it?" Satoru glared at his phone.

"Anyways, you are pretty rebellious. Try not to rush things. Judging her, I can tell she is quiet sensitive. So, be gentle."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. You are telling me to have sex with her?"

"Isn't it what people do in the wedding night?"

"Yeah but don't you think it is too early for her? I mean knowing her weaknesses and........."

"Being all soft for her?"

"No. I'm being patient."

"Hard to believe. Well, you two are husband and wife now. It is normal to have physical interaction. She will understand."

"Why do I think it is not helping, Suguru? You are purposely leaving me in trouble, aren't ya?"

"Hm? Cause I am trying to get some fucking sleep here and you just woke me up from me sweet slumber! You think I am sane now--hu-uh---"

"Wait. Did I just hear you groaning?"

"What? No. I am--fuck! Go and enjoy your night!" The call got disconnected, causing Satoru to look at the device in disbelief.

"What should I do?" He ran his fingers through his white locks, closing his eyes. It was perhaps, the first time he was not sure what to do. Of course, the red haired girl grew in shadows. It might be hard for her to be in an intimate state with him but then again she had spent time with Naoya as his lover and knowing that young Zenin, those things should not be unknown to her.

"You need anything, Gojo-san? Shall I bring your night suit in the other room?" Ijichi asked in a polite tone, waiting for the white haired male to reply, assuming he will not be spending the night in his chamber.

"Nah. I am going now. Have you bought the things which are needed?" Satoru's icy blue eyes glanced at the young butler who stood at his spot, fidgeting with his fingers nervously.

"M-My apologises, G-Gojo-san. I have b-but a few things." He stuttered, gulping a lump of his throat.

"A few?" The Gojo raised one of his eyebrows.

"Y-Yes, considering what Mrs. Gojo would prefer. I-I was not sure about the other things so.......that is why......."

Satoru let out a quiet hum.

"Your punishment is a hard forehead flick. I will do that later. If I forget it then remind me." Ijichi slightly shrieked, sobbing at a corner as the white haired male walked away. But he sighed in relief.

'If she is clever enough to avoid me by already sleeping then I will not have to deal with it.' Satoru held the knob of his door. The thought of knocking on the door totally slipped out of his mind as he was not used to it. As soon as he stepped inside, his eyes locked with a pair of grey ones and an inaudible gasp escaped from his lips.


He was speechless. He assumed her to be a shy and reserved person, never thinking for once that she would dare to take this bold step. He thought she was a scared kitten who would mewl constantly in fear. And he was right. When he entered the room she started to tremble. His gaze darted from her eyes to her lips which she was biting in nervousness. He watched her inhale and exhale, soft breaths leaving her mouth. Her chest heaved up and down rhythmically, her own hands placed on her chest as if she was trying to calm her rapid heartbeat. He gulped, his Adam's apple bobbled seeing her toned legs, honey skin dazzling under the golden light of the room. He clenched his jaw as her toes curled in a cute way, one over another.

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