🥀Chapter 07

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          The bright, gigantic chandeliers illuminate every single decoration of the hall where the wedding ceremony was going to be held. The fragrance of various fresh flowers wafted in the air, crafted ever so beautifully. People of the elite families were present there, gossiping among themselves. The blend of their murmurs and whispers filled the air. The clan heads were seen sitting together, exchanging polite greetings and even though smiles were tagging on their faces, tension lingered among them.

The bride was in the dressing room. She got ready by the beauticians and her mother a while ago. The wedding gown hugged her feminine figure, designed by none other than Yume herself. The fabrics of the cleavage, shoulders and shoulder blades along with the full sleeves were translucent with rose designs adorning on them. The dress reached down to her feet. Her red hair along with the veil was tied behind with a diamond hair accessory, bangs covering her forehead. She wore a light amount of makeup to complete the feature.

Ai placed a hand on the mirror, watching herself.

"You are looking gorgeous, Ai-sama!" Sasha squealed before handing her the bouquet of white roses. She was crying in happiness seeing her mistress. Ai looked for her mother. The lady left the room to fetch her father. Her grip the bouquet tightened. The time was passing by and there was no sign of Haru. If he does not come then she has to walk to the aisle alone. The thought broke her heart, tears welling up in her eyes. Sasha held her hands before making her sit on the stool.

"Do not cry, Ai-sama." She tried to assure her but no comforting words came out from her mouth.


"You do not even deserve to be her father." Yume spat, anger rushing through her body. Haru's stoic eyes glared at her.

"I am not in the mood to talk with you." He was about to go but she stopped him,  holding his hand.

"It is the biggest day of her life, Haru. After today, you will not have to see her." Yume's voice broke.

"I never asked anything from you. But please, listen to me just today."

Haru did not say anything. Freeing his hand from her grip, he turned around.

"Akane would never want it!" Yume yelled, making him stop in his tracks.

"She will never forgive you for hurting her daught--"

"Yume!" Haru snapped, veins popping on his neck.

"Stay in your limits." He turned his back to her, looking outside through the window. A deep sigh escaped from Yume's lips. She left the room, leaving the man alone.


"I am sorry. I could not bring him." Ai closed her eyes as Yume hugged her. She shook her head, telling her mother with her eyes that she was okay. She expected it. The lady affectionately cupped her cheeks.

"Stay relaxed, okay? Do not worry about anything. And--" She gulped down the lump of her throat, suppressing he tear.

"--If he does not treat you well just tell mama. I will break his bones." She pulled the girl again in her motherly embrace.

A knock was heard on the door, breaking the silence. Ai became bewildered seeing the presence she never hoped to come. She did not dare to look up. Standing in front of her father always felt so difficult to her.
Haru looked at the young girl, a flicker of sudden emotion crossed his face. It felt like Akane herself was standing in front of him. Why does she and her share a striking resemblance to each other?

He had a flashback of the moment of Akane when she said she wanted to name her child 'Ai' if it was a girl. It means 'Love', the fruit of their deep,  unconditional love. Akane's absence left a void in his life. He started to blame Ai for her death and kept pushing her away from him. Unknowingly, he became ignorant towards her, keeping her in the corner of darkness. Now that she will be leaving the place..........why is he feeling worried then?

He snapped out of his thoughts, masking the feelings as always.


The red haired girl widened her eyes. Perhaps, it was the first time Haru called her by her name. Although the tone lacked emotion but she could not help to be overwhelmed by the pool of mixed emotions. A smile tagged on Yume's lips before she guided her to her father, heading to the entrance.


Satoru was patiently waiting at the aisle.

'What is taking so long?' He thought. Suguru observed the white haired male, biting his lips to suppress his laugh seeing his annoyed face. His best friend was not fond of the rules and rituals and he could tell the young Gojo was badly wanting the ceremony to end as fast as it could. But you have to bear pain to gain something, right? His gaze then shifted to the entrance before he placed a hand on the Gojo's shoulder.

"Oh, the bride is coming." Satoru straightened his back, gaze following the same direction. His soon-to-be bride was standing with her father at the edge of the crimson red carpet admist the grandeur of the hall. Ai took a deep  breath before taking slow steps to the aisle. Her gaze was glued to the ground for being the attention of collective eyes, as if she was cast under the spotlight. Murmurs rippled through the hall. Her heartbeat vibrated through her chest when they reached the altar. Haru's eyes bore into the white haired male before he looked at his daughter feeling her hand clutching his arm tightly. Ai gathered some courage and looked in front of her, meeting with the person with whom she was going to spend the rest of her life. The moment her eyes locked with his icy blue ones, she instantly lowered her gaze. The rosy tint on her cheeks, nose and the tips of her ears were the proofs of her untold shyness. Haru held her hand ever so gently as if she was a newborn baby, guiding her to the Gojo before joining the audience.

"We will now proceed to the wedding ceremony between Seitaro Gojo's only son, Satoru Gojo and Haru Souen's oldest daughter, Ai Souen." The priest announced.

"You will now exchange the wedding vows. Please repeat after me."

Satoru glanced at the red haired girl beside him. She was lowering her gaze, staring at the flowers she was holding.

"I, Satoru Gojo take Ai Souen as my lawfully wedded wife,
to have and hold,
from this day forward,
for better or for worse,
for richer or for poorer,
in sickness and in happiness,
to love and cherish,
till death do us part."

Satoru's tone was clear and full of confidence, words cutting through the thin air, sending goosebumps to her.

Ai's lips trembled, nervousness coating her tongue making it hard to utter the words. The white haired male noticed her shaking hands before he said,

"Do you take me as your husband? Just say the answer."

Whispers were heard but it did not affect Ai. She only focused on his said words and closed her eyes.

"I d-do."

The Gojo gestured the priest to continue. The priest nodded and said,

"I announce them as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

As soon as the words reached Ai's ears her cheeks turned crimson red, standing still on her spot. She could feel the rapid beats of her heart, rising with each second passed as Satoru came closer to her. A silent gasp escaped from her when his fingers brushed against her delicate skin, gently tilting her chin up. Her grey orbs locked with his blue hues before she quickly shut her eyelids seeing him leaning down. Bolts of electricity rushed through every vein of her body when her thin rosy lips came in contact with his plump ones, only for a few seconds. It was a deep peck more than a kiss. His hot tongue brushed against the soft flesh of her lips before slipping inside her mouth further more, meeting with the tip of her tongue. Satoru moved away, smirking widely while she looked away feeling both shy and embarrassed. He did not let her hand go.

The crowd clapped and cheered, greeting the newly weds.

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