Chapter 06🥀

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          Footsteps were heard in the deadly silent corridor as Haru walked to the chamber situated at the end. The more he comes closer the more the unfamiliar feeling increases. The distance of the corridor felt so long to him, the chamber felt so far away. He stopped right in front of the closed door, letting out a deep breath before knocking on the door. Getting no response he knocked again but no answer came, causing him to twist the knob and step inside. The large chamber was visually dark as the curtains blocked the light to come inside. It was furnished well, everything was kept neat and clean. Haru's gaze fell on the crimson coloured violin on the bed. He approached it, the tips of his fingers brushed against the strings of the instrument. The violin held many memories of Akane. She was so fond of it and he was so fond of the melody she used to play.

"O-Oto-san." The meek voice reached his ears, breaking his trance. Ai was engrossed in her thoughts, pressing the lid of the pen against a notepad. Hearing the footsteps, she put the pen down and got up from her seat, turning to the direction. She shivered feeling the gaze of those stoic green eyes on her. She knew the possible reason why her father was here when he did not even step inside this room in the last twenty years.

"A marriage proposal came for you." Haru's words cut through the air like a sharp blade. The grey-eyed girl clutched the fabric of her pants hearing it, not removing her gaze from the floor. There was no way her father would ask for her consent. But to her surprise, he said,

"I am giving you some time. Think carefully about it and give your answer. If you say no, I will decline their proposal without any hesitation." The Souen paused for a moment.

"He is ready to accept you. So, do not disappoint me in the future with your decision." He raised his eyebrows when Ai picked up the notepad from her table and showed it to him. She wrote it the moment Noaya left her room.

The older Souen read the words, simply saying- Say yes to them. But.....does he know how much her hands shook holding the pen to write it? Does he know how much pain was hidden in those letters?

"Will you not ask who the person is?"

Ai slowly shook her head, eyes turning glossy. Perhaps, she did not expect her father to ask her this. She scribbled something on the notepad before giving it to him.

Will you make me marry someone who is not capable enough to take care of me?

Haru was taken aback by the question, not having any answer. Or perhaps, he has the answer but could not say it let alone express it. He closed his eyes before saying,

"Get ready in fifteen minutes. They want to do the engagement today."

Ai watched him walking out of the room. When the door got closed she let out a shaky breath, stumbling back, holding the table for support. His tone was authoritative but her heart felt the gentleness in it.

It was the first time Haru talked to her properly, without showing any glimpse of hatred.


A table lamp was harshly thrown at the floor, causing it to shatter into multiple pieces. The room was messy, bed sheets and other things were scattered all around. Ayame fumed in anger, badly wanting to kill the red haired girl with her bare hands. First Naoya and then Satoru.......why? Why does she always come in her way? She nibbled her lips, pacing here and there, feeling restless. Not that she was marrying the Zenin but cause Satoru rejected her. Her?

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