Chapter 08🥀

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          The spacious dining hall was filled with the mouth watering aroma of the freshly prepared dishes. Ai sat next to Satoru, silently listening to the felicitations from the elite families once the reception dinner started, trying to avoid her father's gaze when she joined to raise her glass in the salutation which the head of the Souen initiated. While it continued, Satoru paid attention to his surroundings, more specifically to the persons seated at the same round table with him. The thing he noticed most was how his father and the other two clan heads were having a delightful conversation among themselves--or pretending to have one. He could feel the tension lingering around the table, not that he cared. His gaze shifted to Naoya, Ayame and Airu. The trio was engrossed in their own talks but the young Zenin's intense gaze sometimes bore into the latter beside him, eyes never wavering from their fixed point on her. His sharp eyes met his icy blue ones, causing him to look away quickly, averting his attention to Ayame.

The Gojo looked for Yume Souen but she was not present there.
He then took a glance at his wife. While the others were enjoying the sumptuous dinner with grace, she was barely eating anything.

Was she uncomfortable? She was. She used to have her meal alone. But the thing is different now.
There were many dishes and desserts she wanted to eat, specially the caramel pudding which she likes the most but she lost her appetite sitting with the very family members who never cared to call her to have a meal together. Then the continuous stares on her were making the knot of discomfort grow tighter within her. She was longing to slip away from the suffocating atmosphere.

The line of her thoughts broke when a small piece of pudding was placed on the corner of her plate.

Ai blinked before looking at the white haired male beside her.

"You have such a small appetite. Do you want to become a scary skeleton?" He whispered, pupils delighted with playfulness. The red haired girl watched him take one after another dessert on his plate, causing her eyes to go wide. Is he going to eat all of them? He has a serious sweet issue then. But to her surprise he pushed the plate to her.

"Dig in. Otherwise, you will miss the heavenly taste." He said before stuffing the cupcake in his mouth. The sweetness coated his tongue and he melted at the taste, imaginary flowers forming around him. Ai hesitated first but soon she gave up. Satoru watched her slowly eating the desserts. Her eyes twinkled every time she took a bite and he realized something.

"I see. You have a sweet tooth." He mumbled. Blood rushed through her cheeks hearing him, causing him to let out a small chuckle.

'She easily gets teased.'

The ceremony was going to end and the guests started to leave one by one. Bidding farewell and accepting the blessings Satoru guided his newly wedded wife to the limousine, moving his palm to the back of her waist. The driver opened the door and Ai looked behind her with a gloomy expression tagging on her face. She wished her father would say something to her but Haru was quiet and did not express anything. Ayame did not bother to talk to her let alone bid her goodbye but Airu did which was nothing but like adding salt to the wound. He teased her about the activities of the first night and she chose to forget what he said. Yume told her words before. Kissing Ai's forehead in affection, her tear filled eyes watched the girl going away. Ai's glossy grey orbs talked louder than bombs, shining like glittering pearls as she took a last glance at her mother before sitting inside the limousine. The other side of the door opened and Satoru sat beside her.


In the whole ride, Ai kept staring at her hands which were resting on her lap, playing with the ring of her ring finger. She looked at the white haired male beside her. Satoru was resting his chin on his knuckles while putting his one leg over another, staring at outside through the windshield. His blank expression crumbled her poor heart in fear, thinking about that she is now alone with him. Feeling her stare on him, the Gojo glanced at her, causing her to avert her gaze instantly as their eyes met. A silent chuckle escaped from his lips seeing her instincts. A few moments later, the limousine stopped. The couple got out of the limousine, moving to their destination--a beautiful penthouse. The place felt like a private area as some houses were seen a little far away from the penthouse and it was surrounded by greenery. Ai was surprised at first. She thought Satoru would take her to the Gojo estate. Judging her confused stare the white haired male remarked,

"You will be staying here with me in my house, wifey." He held her shoulders from behind and bent down, nipping her earlobe, whispering in her ear with his husky tone.

"Just you and me."

She gripped her gown, biting her inner cheeks feeling the ticklish sensation. An inaudible gasp left from her lips when Satoru moved away, chuckling loudly. The female Souen then followed him silently while eyeing the ground. They were greeted by two maids who were waiting for them, watching the red haired girl with curious eyes. One of them said,

"What Ijichi-san said was true! Gojo-sama got married today!"

The other followed her.

"So that is why we prepared the bedroom with flowers and candles?"

Ai was taken aback by the outburst, specially the last one made her feel dizzy, face turning crimson red. Satoru let out a loud chuckle before slipping his hand around her waist, gently pushing her towards them.

"Take her to the room. I will be right back."

"Come to this way, my lady." The young maids happily lead the girl. While climbing upstairs, Ai looked behind at Satoru who seemed to be busy in a phone call, walking to a corner.


The young maids helped Ai to get rid of the makeup, accessories and the heavy wedding gown which was quite uncomfortable to wear for a long time. Preparing a bath for her, they wished her a very good night, mischievous smiles never leaving their lips. Their happy-go aura made the red haired girl feel less scared. After a refreshing quick shower, Ai felt her nervousness slowly slipping away. Unfortunately, her confidence crashed before it grew when she held the lace undergarments in front of her. She chewed her lips, shiver running down her spine thinking about standing in front of the Gojo wearing it. Many things started to creep in her mind. It was not unknown to her that her husband is popular among women. Of course, there was no way he is unexperienced. He probably had his way with numerous girls.

What if she could not satisfy him?

Forget about satisfying him, she does not want to do it tonight. She heard how painful it is at the first time. Sexual interaction is something very deep and sensitive to her. She does not even want to speak thinking he might find her stuttering irritating. If she does not able to stop him, will he force himself on her? Thinking about it her heart ached more.

But she has no other choice. She wore the undergarments. Luckily a satin black robe was also with them but it reached her mid thighs. Taking a deep sigh, she opened the bathroom's door and stepped out, meeting with the silence of the room.

Has Satoru not come?

She let out a breath of relief. If he does not come then it is fine, at least to her. She approached the dressing table which seemed to be brand new. Even the small couch and the bed looked new as if they were not used quiet often. Plugging the wire of the hairdryer, she dired her hair and then applied some moisturiser on her body. Her gaze went to the round shaped large window from where the moonlight was coming in. There was even a space there to sit, perhaps for reading or sightseeing. The room does not have much things, simple yet elegant. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she waited. The silence broke when the clicking sound of the door was heard and she instantly stood up.


Ai's breath hitched hearing the voice. Satoru was unable to react seeing his wife in the black satin robe which exposed a massive amount of her thighs. Her toned legs were bare, her downturned eyes holding the glimpse of fear and.......and she was biting her lower lip in nervousness. Does she even know what she was doing? How can someone look so tempting and hot yet so sincere and innocent at the same time?
Satoru was trying hard to control himself, not wanting to scare the girl. But fate decided to play with him. When he took a step towards her she took a step back, causing the back of her knees to collide against the edge of the bed, making her fall on the bouncy mattress. A tiny squeak escaped from her lips, her body bounced a little and that is it.........the wall of patience collapsed.

The next second, Ai found herself beneath the white haired male, her lips being captured by his very own ones.

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