🥀Chapter 11

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           "So what shall we do now, Ai-san?" Ijichi asked, following behind the latter as they finished touring the whole house. The red haired girl stopped in the middle of the living room, observing every corner with a finger placed under her chin.

The penthouse looked like an abandoned place, lonely and dull. Though it was clean, there was no liveliness. Satoru did say she could do anything she wanted. She never got any chance to do anything by her own will. Now that she got the key, she will use it wisely. First of all, they need groceries. She has plenty of time to think about the interior. She told her thoughts to the young butler via her notepad and he instantly agreed before escorting her outside.

The garage consisted of two cars, one of them being present there while Satoru took the other one. Ijichi explained that he was in charge of it and can use it for personal and emergency purposes. As the house is situated in a private area, the stores were quite far away. Ai did not mind the ride. Instead, she felt thrilled, excitement rushing through every vein of her body though she did not show it. It felt like a task to her, an important task which she was doing for herself, for her new family.

Ijichi had to deal with her surprisingly energetic aura. He swore that if the girl did not get exhausted so fast, she would buy the whole store. However, he was very happy to accompany her. She was a silent person who did not utter a single word, neither showed any emotion but he could see her eyes twinkling at each step she took. The street was busy and crowded which was very uncomfortable and unlikely to Ai as she used to live in the shadows but she did not mind.

They shopped a lot, thanks to Ijichi for showing her the way to get things. The man had to carry all the things to the car and they got back home. They cleaned the kitchen and then settled the things in the fridge, cupboards and cabinets. It took nearly two hours.

"The kitchen looks so lively now!" The young butler exclaimed, fixing his glasses as he inspected the interior.

The red haired girl stared at the male in silence, watching him admiring the kitchen with shiny eyes. Does her effort make him this happy? He appreciated her work.

So will----She gulped at the thought.

Will he also appreciate it?

Ijichi's voice broke her trance.

"Ai-san, if it goes like this, the house will look like heaven. I bet Gojo-san will definitely stay here on his next visit."

Will he?

The thought made Ai's heart race. She quickly snapped out of it and focused on writing something. The young male read the words.

Thank you for your effort. You should rest now.

A drop of tear formed in the corner of Ijichi's eyes. It reminded him of his late big sister. The siblings were orphans when the Gojo family took them in. Although there was a line between the masters and servants but they were never treated harshly, neither complimented.

Ijichi was not the bravest person. He was rather a weakling but it never stopped his sister from appreciating his little efforts. After his sister died, he would constantly pass his time in crying, cowering from everything. It was Satoru who brought him out from the dark. Yeah, the Gojo had said he was weak and pathetic but Ijichi never took that to heart. He pledged his loyalty to him and respected him, for giving him work, shelter and food. Satoru was never a person to compliment other's works openly  but Ijichi knows how much faith he has in him. Still he craved for a bit, that his efforts are being appreciated. Ai's words just reminded him of his sister.

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