Chapter 8: Kidnapped~

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"You have to kiss me on lips, just simple. If you do I will spare you for today ." he said and lay on my bed.

"No, never you bastard .." I yelled over him.

"Yell one more time, I will give you a real reason to scream. Do it by yourself or you want me to do for you. " he said.

"No, I will never kiss you. You want me nn.. So take me and then I will make your life as hell and you will regret for doing this." again I yelled .

"Good, you want to play dirty then I will play dirty too but in my own ways. I promise, you will regret on yelling at me and now I will teach you to respect me."

He came at me , pushed me on bed and started to kiss me continuously without breaks. He bitted my lips and left me breathless. I was struggling for breathe. When I was at my last breathe , I pushed him and taking deep breathes.

"You want more sweetheart? I can give you more than a kiss like your pussy and mine dick." He smirked

"Shut up and leave me alone" I said and put my face between pillows.

"Don't shy, My dick is yours and your pussy is mine...just wait until I kidnap you then we will make out ."he said and smirked while leaving my house.

At 10 pm, my family came and I ran to hug them. He crossed his limits and I felt disgusting because of him. I told everything about him to my family.

" Aradhya , you are telling us now. Where have you been ? You tolerated him why? " Maa said.

"Maa he will kill all of us . Please ask Papa to cut off his all deals with him ."

"Beta , don't worry I will cancel all of my deals with him but you must run away from this city. He will not let you free in this city so just go Gujarat at your uncle's house for some days and I will handle him . Go and pack your luggage." My father said and that advice was a big mistake .

I packed my luggage, said goodbye to everyone and took a taxi . It was dark night . I was about to reach station suddenly my phone rings. I picked up it was my father's call.

"Hello , Aradhya don't come back home ran away fastest as fastest you can.." He shouted on phone .

"Papa? Papa what happened ? What are you saying?"

"Aradhyaaa...." And the call cut off. I got scared and worried . What happened ?

I asked the driver to took me back at my home immediately. He was driving fast and my heart was bumping . I felt something bad. When I reached at home , everything was burned . My home was burning into ashes and my family was not there.

I fell on my knees crying and scared after watching this sight. My lovely home was burning in front of my eyes.

"W w..Why ? My home My family ..he burned everything . bhagwan kyun? Mujhe bhi Maut de dijiye ..." I said crying .I thought he burned my family alive . I was crying on the road and suddenly a black car came . A man from the car put his handkerchief on my mouth and I fell unconscious , I guess something like chloroform.

I had no energy to struggle so I stay calm .The man who put chloroform on my mouth was looking someone I know. His eyes were reminding me of someone dangerous and then everything went black.

When I opened my eyes ,I was in a beautiful room with some roses and candles around my bed .The room was decorated beautifully .I thought I was dead and I am in heavens.

My all theory about the heavens gone wrong when I saw him standing and smiling at me.

I got shock and tried to went up from bed but as I was trying to sat up I didn't recognized my hands were tying with beds and he was watching my struggle.

"Aru, don't make efforts you can't get rid off from this ropes . This is Mafia's special rope with good quality . All your efforts are effortless." He said and untie my arms.

I grabbed his collar and started hiting him with my little hands . He grabbed my hands and asked me to calm down.

"Why? What have you done, you burned my house n my family. I will kill you ,you monster."

" Hahaa... It is true that I have burned your house but your family is safe" he said .

"What! They are safe . Thank you so much ."

"Until you behaves well in front of me, respect me , obey me and stay here otherwise I will kill them ."

"No, no I will live here ,respect you and do what you want. Please don't harm them . Do what you want with me , I will do without hesitation. Tell me where they are ?"

"I sent your mother and sister at your uncle's house and your father is in jail."

"Why he is in Jail? He did nothing wrong."

"Actually , I signed a contract with him and gave him a huge loan but I filed fraud case against him and published arrest warrant against him. This is your punishment for escaping from me."

"I am sorry..please take back your case .I will never escape again I promise." I begged him.

"You have to prove and satisfy me that you will never go against me and not try to escape until he have to live in jail and also don't try to contact any of your known , got it?"

"Yes, but please don't harm any of my loved ones I can't live without them."

"Ok I will stand on my words only if you stand on your words."he said and caressed my cheeks.

"Thank you"

"From now you are my fuc**** property . I can use, touch where n how I want Understand !" he said that I was his fuc**** property . I can't deny him ,he had the powers to destroy everything and That's my fate .

"Yes, Uday I am your fuc**** property ." I said crying.

"Love you sweet heart, I like when you say my name but I feel more satisfying when you call me daddy, Just for once ."he said moving his fingers on my lips.

"Yes daddy, Is it satisfying ?"

"Cool, that's like a Mafia's princess. Go sleep here for today and tomorrow onwards you have to sleep with me" he said and gone .

To be continue..........

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