Chapter 34: Love match and end~

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"Hahaa... mere dil ko aaj phir sukoon aaya... Dekha Samakshi mere pyaar ko na qaboolne ki sza." He laughed like a monster and his evil laugh echoed everywhere.

His evil plan successful as always happened. On the other hand Uday who was in hospital gain his consciousness and murmuring Aradhya's name all the time but he didn't know that his Aradhya had already gone forever.

John who was calling his men continuously but no one picked the call which gave him vibes of something bad happened. After trying so many times a watchman picked one of his man's phone and answered. He told him that his men killed by someone and that bride got shot. May be she is dead now, I knew everything because I saw them firing and somehow I saved myself by hiding in the backyard.

His statement made John shocked like someone gave him high volt electric current. He cuts off the call and ran outside the hospital to examine what happened in their absence. He was about to leave when he saw Sia running towards him and crying. Also two men were chasing her with guns in their hands.

He went out of the car, loaded his gun and ran towards Sia. Sia who was out of breathe but still running for life got hit by steel rod on back of her head by one of the men who were chasing her.

Blood started to coming from her head but she saw him and little smiled before falling unconscious on the floor. She fell on the floor and John anger went high he shot both of the men on just between their eyes before they could understand .

John ran towards Sia to save her. She was almost unconscious and her body was cold because of running.

He admitted her into the hospital but in different room from his brother. So not both of them got worry and emotional. At that time John was the one who was working sense fully not in aggression.

He knew who was behind this ,obviously Siddhartha. He sat across Sia ,so he could get answers from Sia.

After half an hour ,Sia woke up and crying so much. Her nose were flowing as eyes. She was so scared and breathing heavily. She was trembling and sweating like the sounds of firing echoing in her ears .

"Sia.. Sia come down... come down, Tell me what happened? Who did this? Where is Aradhya?" John asked her and she hugged her noticing him around herself.

"J..Johnnn... He killed all...he killed Bhabhi .and her family... He will kill us tooo.... J..John save me.. John ..Please.... Why you didn't come when we need you? When she need you both ,the most? Where were you? Where is Bhaia?" She was angry with both of them.

"Sia..I am sorry.. We are very sorry... But boss is in hospital too as a patient."

"He is alive?" She questioned him gulping with a scared face and sweating.

"Yes, he is unconscious but don't worry nothing serious."

"No this is serious, Aradhya bhabhi is dead !, I asked Bhaia all the time from childhood to stay away from this type of criminal activities but he never listened and see what happened." She took out her all the anger and frustration over John .

"Sia you don't know that how your brother is protecting you. I knew Uday from his childhood. Your parents got killed by Siddhartha that's
why he came into mafia .For this reason he was trying to protect you and taking revenge from him. He had no girlfriend who died due to disease , he did all this for your parents."

She started to cry more and more after hearing this and John was trying to console her. Suddenly a nurse called him as Uday gained his conscious back . They both ran to him and Uday was trying to pull out cannula. He was throwing all the medical tools and yelling on nurses.

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