Chapter 31: Finally confessed~

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"I promise you all that every person in this factory will die today except me and her." He said with his evil laugh. Oh God ! Today I am scared of him . I could see his anger and frustration towards them. His face was red and he was gritting his teeth.

All those men were scared little of him. A man tried to hit with his bat but John took his sudden move and with in a blink he knocked him off. That man fell on floor breathless struggling for his life and my mouth dropped in amaze.

Fuc*! He is so handsome. 'Oh God! haawwtttt.' I thought and smiled in my mind.

His move and that man on floor made all of them scared. "Let's have fun...guys. And especially Mr. Dickinson I will fun with you personally." He said and ran towards them to kick their butts. He whistled and his man came with guns to shoot them so they will die soon.

At last, their boss left and tried to run. He dialed a number and tried to talk but soon John caught him and hit him so hard so he fell on floor.

He pulled a chair and grabbed his collar , smirking. "Now its your turn." He said .

"Leave me..leave me ....Please! I will work for you as you order. I will become your pet dog. When you will say bark I will bark , when will you say bite I will bite...Please.. John please. Ask Uday?" Mr. Dickinson said trembling by joining his palms together and begged for his life. He turned suddenly by his words.

His all men were dead and he was begging for his life. He is a lizard who can change their colours according to situations.

"Umm.... I have something special for you. Guess what?" John said.

"W..what?" He trembled and John grabbed his mouth.

"You dared to kiss her with your dirty mouth...and I want you to give me that mouth." He said squeezing his mouth harshly with his hand.

" How can be that possible?"

"Just wait I will show you."..." Hey! Give me the scissor." On hearing this Carnal cried for his mercy and touched, rubbed his head on his shoes.

"Please please, don't do this with me. You have to pay for this ." Carnal said rubbing his head on his shoes but John grabbed his short hairs and said "No! You dared to touch her ... And What you will do ? You are going to die soon ..just wait til your DEATH!".

His one of the man gave him a scissor and he started to cut his lips. He was bleeding like hell. I turned my face and put my fingers in my ears so I can't listen his deadly screams. From this, I had learned something new about John and I will never argue with him again and follow his instructions silently.

He cried and screamed in pain that made me so uncomfortable , I ran out of that factory and vomit everything which was in my stomach. Oh God! I was feeling faint and suddenly I heard gun shot from factory may be he killed him . Thought of this made me vomit again and I was about to faint but suddenly John came, grabbed me into his arm and he put me into his car without saying anything .

He drove silently all the way to home and he didn't take a look on me. Something bad will happen or something is missed, that's what my gut feeling saying but I ignored. When we reached home its already midnight. I entered in my house and saw Bhaia sitting on the couch stressed. I didn't see Aradhya Bhabhi , may be see slept waiting ,I thought. As Bhaia watched me he came and hugged me. I hugged him too and smiled. We went back and saw each other , my smile vanished when he said those words to me.

"Are you fine? "

"Yes Bhaia ."

"I was so scared."

"Are you a kid? I ordered you to not to go anywhere. Then why?" He yelled over me for first time in my life and I shocked. I know that's my fault but he can say or ask me normally. I stayed quite and gulped.

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