Chapter 32: Kill Her Father~

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•|𝐀𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐡𝐲𝐚 𝐏𝐨𝐯~|•

I woke up and moved my hand on the other side of bed and he was not there. He left early and I woke up rubbing my eyes. I was feeling so shame to behave with him like a whore . I am a doctor not a whore. I can heal anyone may be I can heal Uday too. I went into bathroom , remove all my clothes and took shower. I wore a pink top and a white skirt .

I sat on the couch of his room and started to see outside the window. There was some fresh and calm air. My heart was feeling heavy , what will happen if somebody see my photos? I was looking like a real whore.

My heart was shattering into pieces with the passage of time and tears started to come from my eyes. Suddenly someone smacked the door and entered ,I turned back and saw him standing. What happened to him?

I stood up immediately and he ran towards me to hug. He hugged me and caressed my hair.

"What happened Uday? Are you fine?" I asked him and he went back ,wiped my tears.

"Were you crying?" He asked me and I turned my face.

"No!" I wiped my tears and he smirked.

"Don't lie Bhabhi, We all know everything that how Carnal's man forced you to say that shit." Suddenly Sia and John came into my room and asked me not to act more.

"Sia , Are you fine ?"

"Yes Bhabhi ,I am fine but not turn the main topic. Pleaseee!"

"Yes, Miss we all know."John said and finally the load from my heart gone. My tears started to come automatically and I was feeling so embarrass.

" Sia.. John please leave us alone." Uday ordered them and they went out of the room.

I turned my back to him and crying. Actually I was struggling to stop my cry. He came and hugged me from back and put his chin on my right shoulder. He was rubbing his chin on my neck slowly.

"No Aru, my sweetheart don't feel embarrass , Its not your fault. I know you just want to save Sia and you did." I turned immediately and hugged him. I put my face into his chest and crying.

"I am sorry Uday.. I really don't want to hurt you. I am so sorry. I was not enjoying with him. He was trying to rape me and .........(crying)" I started to cry like a baby and he caressed my hairs.

"And? Tell me Aradhya."

"And he clicked my naked photos....."

"Shshshhs.. Don't worry Aru, he dared to touch you and even clicked your photos. He needs to die only die. I will kill him and cut his body into pieces. "

"Please Uday do something he said he will viral all those pictures and I don't want this. I will die if that happen."

"No..No Aru, don't cry. I will find him soon. Stop crying. Don't you trust me?"

"Yes.. I trust you that's why I am asking you. Please Uday." I was crying out of control and my face became red and wet with tears.

He took me on the couch and asked me to sat on his lap. I sat on his lap crying and he wiped my tears . He gave me water to drink and I drank slowly.

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