Chapter 18:Into his hold~

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•|𝐀𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐡𝐲𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐯~|•

"You bitch, I will teach you manners how to serve a man come with me....come" he asked me and took me up on his shoulder.

"Leave me you monster.... Uday..Uday...somebody help me...Uday" I yelled .

He took me into a room of that Hotel and locked the room from inside .He put me down on bed and took off his shirt.

"W..What are you doing ?" I said while crying.

"Obviously, I am rapping you baby...hahahaha" He smirked.

"No please no , He will kill you , leave me will regret doing this." I cried and he came over me forcibly. He grabbed my arms tightly and leaved red scratches over my shoulder and I was struggling , pushing him. I started to cry and he was trying to kiss me . He squeezed my breast hardly, touched my bare thighs and moving his hand over my body.

He grabbed my mouth to kiss when suddenly somebody fired on door and entered into that room. He was him ,Uday. He saw me struggling and crying under him . His eyes were burning with anger like a volcano.

He came , grabbed his neck and pushed him against wall. He was so mad I had never saw him before.

"John take him , I will come soon. " he asked John and pushed him on floor. John took him with him.

He came at me and wiped my tears. I hugged him crying and he hugged me back.

"Shshshshsh.....Calm down, calm down everything is fine now ...I am with you ,Aru" He gently rubbed my back and took off his coat n put it over me. He saw his scratches over my neck.

"He have to pay for this. Only I have the right to scratch you." He said angrily but he was behaving normal in front of me. He even didn't do anything with him in front of me because I was already so scared ,he didn't want to scare me more .

He took me up and walked towards his car. He took me into his car , drove and we reached home. We went into his room and he put me over bed gently.

"Go Aru, change your clothes...I will back soon." He asked me and was about to go when I grabbed his finger tightly ,he stopped and staring at me.

I put my face down and Asked him " Please don't leave me nn... Stay with me". First time my heart said to trust him so I did .

"If you feel comfortable than why not?" He said and sat beside me.

"Please stay here ,I will come after changing my clothes and don't move." I was so scared so I stopped him going anywhere. I ran into bathroom , took shower and came back. He was waiting for me and also he changed his clothes.

"Come here" he was sitting on bed and asked me to sit with him . At that moment all the lights of his house had gone and everywhere was so dark. I was scared of ghosts and of that man too so I immediately ran on bed and sat with him.

"Sweetheart, you know where you are sitting ?" He asked me in dark .

I was feeling scared and grabbed his shirt tightly. I simply said "Yes ,over the bed ." .

"No, you are sitting on my lap over my dick." He said.

"What? ....I am so sorry." I touched where I was sitting and by mistake I touched his dick. I removed my hand and the light came back. I was in his lap and he was smiling .

"Its ok.... Its all yours." He smirked and my face got red as hell. I jumped over him and lie down over bed . He was watching me continuously for one hour with his hand over his chin which made me uncomfortable to sleep.

"Uday....please aap kahin aur dekho...I can't sleep like this." I said and turned my face on him.

"Sorry I can't. What If that man or some ghost will come back?" He questioned me and caressing my cheeks.

"No...say Shubh Shubh " I said and gulped.

"I have another idea ...let we sleep together , I will just put my hands around you so nobody can touch you ..." He gave me a suggestion which was seem to be perfect.

"Ok that's good idea ..but only hands haan." I said him and he pulled me towards him. He wrapped him around me and I felt like I hugged my teddy bear . I was feeling safe in his hold and I slept soon.

•|𝐔𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐯~|•

Next morning , I woke up, she was in deep sleep and looking like a cute child. I caressed her cheeks and then kissed her lips lightly.

I didn't want to disturb her so I took bath and went out of the room.

I came down and John was already waiting for me.

"Good morning boss! I will take you where he is . As you said , I have arrange everything outside the house." He told me and we moved.

I asked him to tie that man - Aghora far away from house because Aradhya was already scared of him. John drove and we went into an old factory.

I told him to arrange a large water tank and Aghora was sitting unconscious on the chair. I splashed a glass of water over him and he woke up.

"Water..water I want some some..." He asked me for water and I laughed.

"Hahahh... You moron wants water wait I will give you soon , you touched my Aru. I will end you peacefully here." I said rubbing my teeth.

"You know I am Carnal Dickinson's man. Don't make him your enemy you will regert." He said .

"Hahaha.... First save yourself from me and second I will meet him If he wants to meet death. " I giggled and ordered john to put him into the tank and close it from all side. He did and I put thousand Piranha fish into the tank. Those fishes eat him immediately because they were hungry for two days and he died.

"You deserves this ..hahhaha.." I smirked and the colour of water turns into red.

"Ok boss, I think you should leave and Siddharth is coming India tomorrow. " he said me .

"Good, I am waiting for him. After so many years ,Hisaab chukta hoga..." I said and went home back. She was still sleeping and I said her what I was feeling these days.

"Aru, I want you ,need you .....because I love you."

To be continue.....

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