Chapter 28 : No mercy~

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•|𝐀𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐡𝐲𝐚 𝐏𝐨𝐯~|•

"Please leave me...leave me... I beg you."

"No baby... I'll hunt you down and eat you alive." He said and laughed in a creepy tone. He was staring my whole body on me with his evil eyes and lust inside him.

"You are a monster...animal....leave meeeee..." I yelled over him and crying.

"Haahahhaha.....for you I am an animal. You messed with my brother and he got kill. You have to pay darling." He said and came on bed caressing my locks.

"I...I did nothing... with your brother. Even I don't know anything about him how could I mess with him?" I said trembling and covering my body with my hands.

He got furious and grabbed my mouth ,hurting it and smirked.

"You did. He just wanted fun for a night but you bitch ....and your lover killed him. I will not show mercy to both of you." And I pushed his hands from my mouth.

"What! You are his brother. He got what he deserved and it looks like you both are alike. You will too get what you deserve and I wish your brother is in hell...a.." I said daringly and he got more furious. Before I could say more against his brother he slapped me , I fell back on bed and that slap made me unconscious for a while. I was not able to get in my energy back and I was little struggling by pushing him away.

"I will show you what the hell is in real."

He came over me removed my hands grabbed my both hand palms with his hand palms tightly so I can't move and he put his mouth on my neck starting to suck. I was lying below him in dizzy and tears were coming from my eyes.

He went down and started to suck my stomach . He squeezed my butts and came on top squeezing my whole body .He scratched my arms and neck ...trying to suck my lips. He harshly squeezed my breast and left so much pain on my body.

"Bitch , you are so tasty. I want to taste you from inside ." he said and he took out an injection from his pocket . He immediately injected it in me into my shoulder.

He took a step to remove my skirt and rest of the clothes to sex with me. I gained my consciousness back and suddenly hit on his nuts.

He fell on floor in great pain as I kicked him hardly. I ran for door but everywhere was so dark, there was only the light of moon and I was in unexplainable condition . I ran towards hall for a phone to call Uday .

I was running on stairs and heard his steps following me. I was in hurry , my body was shaking in fear and I fell from stairs. But luckily it was not that high . I stood up trembling and hide behind the couch and heavily breathing . I heard his steps coming from stairs. I put my hands over my mouth so he can't hear sounds of me even my uncontrollable deep and heavy breathes.

"Baby do you know I like hide and seek especially with a prey. Yes I am preying on you tonight,'ll hunt you down just like animals ........................You think you can hide I can smell you ." he came and started to searching for me.
He was checking every corner of hall and his every single steps making my heart beat faster as hell.

I was feeling a pain in my throat because I want to cry louder as I can but I can't.

I saw the wire of a telephone and crawled silently towards it. He was searching for me with his eagle eyes. As I was crawling I heard Uday's one of the man's sound that he heard a sound from here and came to check. I smiled and went up from behind the couch and I saw a gun in that man pointing towards the main door . Uday's man was coming in hall but he turned back because someone called him. I immediately sat on the floor so he can't see me . Fortunately I reached at telephone and picked it without making a sound.

I dialed Uday's phone number with my shaking hands and trembling in fear deeply breathing. My tears were running from my eyes and falling on floor constantly . The phone was ringing but he was not picking up and my hopes were drowning with every ring .

Before he could pick up ,he cut off the telephone wire and smiling at me.

"Dhappa!....maine aapko pakrh liya...mai jeet gya aur ab time ho gya hai apne shikaar ko dabochne ka." He said and my jaw dropped in fear with my eyes got bigger. My whole body was shaking in fear and I didn't have any energy left to move. He grabbed my hair and and smirked saying " Ch-ch-ch.... You are getting what you deserve be fuc* up.. bitch!.".

"No..No..please...leave me. I beg you ... I didn't do anything intentionally with your brother ... He wants me to rape and that's what you are trying to do." I said with an eye contact with him.

"Shut up ! Don't make excuses. I will do what I decides. Tell me how much money he pays you for a month to fu** you."he yelled and grabbed my throat tightly.

"Tell me!"

"He doesn't pay he..." I said struggling .

"O.. You do free for him. Here  ...take 10,000 dollars and let me have sex with you with peace or otherwise I will rape you . Choose any one." He said and I pushed him hardly and tried to get up with the help couch.

" woke up beast inside me. Now I will not waste a second ." he said and slapped me harshly. This time I got blood over my mouth and my head got hit by the side table . I fell on floor half unconscious and everything was blur around me.

•|𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐯~|•

As Aradhya was half unconscious and lying on floor. He came picked her up on his shoulder and took her into the room . He went in , put her on the bed and removed his shirt . She was mumbling Uday's name and her mother constantly .

"U..Uday please save me. Maa...Maa help me...please help me....I will die....please have mercy on me." She mumbled and crying.

She had no power left to struggle and move a inch cause he had injected her before. She was more weak than a sick person.

He removed her skirt leaving her in her bra and underwear. She was lying on the middle of the bed and he again came over at her.

𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆....

𝑫𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒆 ...𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕.

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