Chapter 13: Ghost~

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•|𝘼𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙝𝙮𝙖 𝙋𝙤𝙫~|•

On afternoon 3pm, He was not at home so I was walking in the garden and thinking about my plan,John was assigned as my personal bodyguard (Don't know why?). I sat on a bench and started to drink tea when suddenly someone yelled(𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙥!), my tea spit out of my mouth and fell over my clothes.

"Someone wants help, fast we have to go. John,I am saying to you . Did you hear who screamed 'help' so loud?"I stood up in hurry and asked to John. He was standing behind me ,silently with a cold face.

"Fine, I am going to help that person."I said and walked but he came in front of me and stopped by showing his hand in right direction where I was going.

"No mam you are not allowed to go there and I didn't hear any sound. I think you have been mistaken of hearing something and there is people who are working . So please don't go there otherwise Boss will be angry.",he said .

"What? I heard someone is yelling for help and don't say his name in front of me ,I hate your Boss too much."I asked him folding my arms .

"Sorry mam, but it is true that he will marry you and you will become her wife. "He said with no expression on his face. I thought he never smiled in his whole life.

"Shut up! Never in anyone's dream." I yelled over him.

"Mam, it is a waste of time so please don't argue with me and go in your room and change your clothes please ,if he see you in stain clothes he will be angry. "he said and asked a maid to take me into my oops sorry into his room.

"Excuse me lady ,please take her into her room."

"Fine I can go by myself." I said and went into his room to change clothes, I wore a black kurti with blue jean and I was walking into room thinking something.

"Why he doesn't want me to go there, yesterday and today , he behaved strangely ? I heard someone's scream but he didn't hear anything. He wants me to make fool but he doesn't know I am not a fool,I will find out what is in behind that door ."I was talking with myself and suddenly door opened .

Uday came and smiled at me.

"Hi Aru, you're lips.", He said coming at me and gave me a expression like something was on my lips.

"What happened to my lips? Is there anything on it?" I asked while rubbing my lips.

"Yes ,your lips..your lips" he said and got serious.

"What ? Why my lips? Can I look into mirror?" I said and got tensed with him.

"No, Your lips are craving for my lips."he said and laughed.

"What you mad? Eww.. "I said and made vomiting like face.

"Why are you making that face ? Are you pregnant ? But I did nothing with you last night and make that face one more time , I will make you pregnant then don't blame me haan.."He said and laughed again.

"Oh really! "I asked him.

"Wanna demo? Actually yes, may be last night isn't enough for you haina.."he said biting his lips.

𝐷𝑂𝐶𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝐕𝐬 𝑀𝐴𝐹𝐼𝐴| ✔Where stories live. Discover now