Chapter 30: Kidnapped 2~

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•|𝐒𝐢𝐚 𝐏𝐨𝐯~|•

Freak! What the freak is going on ? I ran away from my house just to join the fu**** party and now I am joining this stupid mafia's party. Oh! God , I could guess these men are the enemies of my brother. Last time when I got kidnapped my brother killed my kidnapper and this time he will do the same.

I really don't like this shit in my life , All this is because of my 'Bhaia'. I was sitting on a chair and tied with ropes. I was not able to see where I was because my eyes were covered with a clothes but my mouth was not, may be they forgot, how lazy men they have. That's very very annoying thing , you have to sit silently til someone save you or they kill you. And I can't sit silently , that's my habit .

I heard someone talking on the phone. I thought there are only one man in the room but not.

I took a deep breathe and not panicked like other girls cause they are really annoying when they scream and also I have experience .

"Hellooo! Gentleman. Is there anyone who can hear me?"I said and showed my ears so I can hear them.

But nobody respond. So I said Hello!gentle..... and this time a man respond.

"Yes kitty, we can listen you." a heavy voice came. I don't know from where but may be from behind.

"Why you kidnapped me? Can you tell me ?" I asked calmly.

"We are just returning a favour to your brother." another man said.

"How many people are present there?"

"Just 12 "

"What the fu**! You are twelve and saying JUST 12." I gulped and started to sweat .

"Are you scared kitty?"

"Shut up! You don't have any right to call me Kitty. There is only one person in my life who can call me this or anything he wants except sister."

"And who he is?"3rd man asked me.

"Are you dumb ass? Why will I tell you? "

"Same tongue like her brother. Guys actually I like this girl. She is young and perfect for me." 4th man said and moving his finger on my shoulder.

"No! Mr. Dumb Ass no.2 , I am already booked for someone and don't dare to touch me otherwise my brother will kick your butts."

"Kitty you know from whom you are talking ? Do you know who I am?"4th man said.

" Show her the proof of your manly ."2th man said laughing.

"Your mother didn't tell you who you are ?".

And the next thing I heard was a hard slap on my face, Fuc*.

" You know I am Carnal Dickinson and your brother's death." The 4th man said that he was Carnal Dick-in-son.

And I don't know whether I will laugh or I will cry. In that situation, I got slap but still I want to laugh like stupid shit. I laughed like a maniac , I can't control it .

"Why are you laughing? I am so dangerous." Carnal di..whatever he was said.

"So..sorry ! Mr. Carnal dicki.....hahah.... Sorry sorry, I can't control my laugh." I said laughing.

𝐷𝑂𝐶𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝐕𝐬 𝑀𝐴𝐹𝐼𝐴| ✔Where stories live. Discover now