How To Do It Like A Princess-Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I shook my wrists, enjoying the sound of my new bracelets moving together and got out my keys, with their new key covers in the shape of guitars. Heck, I was so happy. Jude, once he let his guard down, was amazing. He was so funny and hyper and crazy and, yeah, he was just amazing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew every band in existence, his music knowledge was that extensive.

You could hear the laughter from outside the house. Isaac’s and someone else’s, too. I pushed open the door and walked into the light corridor, heated by the radiators and the...fireplace? I peeked into the living room, and there was the crackling fire with a bowl of marshmallows and melted chocolate by it. And there was Isaac and someone that I had not wanted to be see until there was a ring on my man’s finger.

My man.

Cousin Rose. We had always competed, in everything. Boys, friends, clothes. Especially boys.  It was a good thing we were only near each other for a couple of months. Rose went through phases. One time, she dyed her hair blonde, pronounced herself a Queen Bee, and tried to rule the school. Another time, she went through this indie phase when she just ‘couldn’t be arsed’ and that would be ‘waay to mainstream’. Right now, she seemed to have the more natural thing going on. Her hair was blonde, but not to the point where it was yellow, the expertly done locks going just past her shoulders. She looked pretty good, much to my dismay. But when she stood up, I grinned a bit. She still had that bad sense of style.

‘Blair!’ she shrieked, jumping over to hug me. I rolled my eyes at her, grabbed a couple of marshmallows and headed upstairs to do the science homework which I should have done at Jude’s. I felt a hand on my arm, stopping me from going further.

‘Hey. Where did you go?’ Isaac asked me, his eyes shining underneath the lights.

‘Jude’s,’ I kept my answer short, hoping he’d notice something was up.

‘Oh, so are you guys friends now?’ he questioned with a mocking tone to his voice,

‘You know what? Yeah, we are. And I don’t get why you’re being such a dick about this whole wedding thing, okay? Because I didn’t...I didn’t ask for it but there is really nothing we can do. I’m sorry. And don’t get all protective about Jude, he was just cheering me up, a few things have been going on this week, okay? You have your new friend downstairs, so don’t keep her waiting,’ I huffed and stormed up.

When the door to my private room opened, I grabbed a pillow off the couch and chucked it at the offender’s head. And, yes, the offender had gorgeous curly hair, even though I would have been happy if it was Andy.  He came to my desk and snaked his arms around my shoulders, standing behind me for a minute. Then he whispered in my ear, ‘I’m sorry. I’m not that protective of Jude, I’m protective of you,’

And I felt all those things you’re meant to feel. Birds and butterflies. Rushes of elation and that feeling when you go down on a rollercoaster. I turned around and stood up, his arms now dropping to my waist. And all it took was that little smirk to bring everything crashing back down. Right. He didn’t want this. So there was no need to bring feelings into this. Isaac was hot. And he had his arms around me. That little spark I felt was not something you could miss. So why not take advantage of this?

I pulled him closer, just breathing him in and enjoying his closeness. I could feel his muscles through his t-shirt and the way his chest rose and fell, quicker as I pulled him just a little closer, his hands on my hips and my head rested against his chest, ‘I really am sorry for acting like such a dick. I just-Jude’s my best friend. And we’re getting married. I don’t know about you, but right now, I’m not ready for anything yet. I feel like I have a claim over you, but then I don’t want to get married. Those two contradict each other,’

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