How To Do It Like A Princess-Chapter 9

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Chapter 9-Blair

Looking in the mirror, I felt disgusted with myself. My dark brown hair was pulled back in a bun because I didn’t know what else to do with it. My eyes looked flat brown under the light, but the bags underneath them were not helping me at all. Someone once told me they had the same colour as logs by the fire. It was such a nice thing to say, and I smiled remembering it but then frowned again, looking back at myself. I sucked in my belly a little. Being a dancer had meant I had always had to stay slim, but at the moment, with no one to really to talk to and Rose parading around the house kissing Isaac’s cheeks-my Isaac’s cheeks-I had turned to the only two people who really ever understood my sorrows; Ben and Jerry. And their beautiful Cookie Dough ice cream.

I walked over to the stereo, putting on ‘Electricity’ from Billy Elliot and started to practise again. Ballet made me feel like a better person. It was like moving through a cloud and floating like something very light, like a feather. I breathed in and out, counting and watching myself in the mirror. It came to the part where they play the Swan Lake music and I tripped, landing awkwardly on my leg. I winced and realised it was almost 8pm. Shoving my arms through my coat sleeves, I walked out the door, determined not to think about the note that Mikey had handed to me during French.

Buckingham Palace, but the lake I showed you that one time, tonight at 7. I’ve got something worthy of only the most beautiful princesses, so, only you. Don’t be late! –Isaac xx

His handwriting was strong and scribbly, but still readable. It smelt like him. I could imagine him sitting there, his perfect face illuminated by the reflections of light on the lake. His eyes would be shining green and blue and grey as he waited for me. There would be that look of hope on his face that he got whenever he got excited. Mikey had slipped me the note with such an enthusiastic look that I could tell they had both been scheming.

I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment, before calling Rob and asking him to come pick me up.

Rule 12-‘Love your man, love him twice.’ (Ooh La-The Kooks) Unless your evil cousin is blackmailing you to keep you apart.

I was sitting under the table with my ice cream and paranoia on my face. If Isaac walked in...He would see me and a great deal of awkwardness would follow.

‘Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonder-fu-ull? Isn’t she precious? Less than one minute old-‘ the slamming of the door cut off his perfect singing. Wow, I never knew he had such a beautiful voice. For someone who was supposed to be an over-rated prince, he was certainly very talented. It helped a bit that he was singing  a Stevie Wonder song about a baby girl. It made my heart melt like ice cream on a hot day.

He walked into the kitchen and looked at me for a minute, pausing, and blinked. I watched his strong eyebrows, like brown brushstrokes over his sea coloured eyes, furrow in thought, before he gave me a one-sided smile and walked on. I groaned in my head. I missed seeing him smile. He came back before I could realise and squatted down beside me,

‘I don’t know what’s up, but we need to talk, okay, Blair? Something must have happened after we sorted things out and before I got back from my meeting. I don’t know what it is, but you really need to tell me. Please, I don’t know what I’ve done wrong,’ his eyes were pleading as he reached out a hand and rested it on my knee. I flinched immediately and my heart broke as I saw a wave of hurt cross his features.

‘You haven’t done anything wrong, I promise. It’s just...until the wedding, Isaac. I’m so sorry, but I need to go,’ I rushed out from below the table, almost hitting my head in the process.

‘One more thing; Tomorrow, I’m going to the Celibtaire Ball’

I nodded, knowing it meant ‘bachelor’ in French. Then I realised what he said, ‘’re not a bachelor,’

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