How To Do It Like A Princess-Chapter 15

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Chapter 15-Blair

My body tensed up, making me wince as it felt so uncomfortable. Rose was coming home today, and it was killing me. It meant the end of all things fun and boy-related until my wedding, the date of which had not been finalised yet. And I knew that after that it would mean the end of all things fun and boy-related too, as I would be too busy doing my duty as a princess. I groaned, a deep rumbling erupting in my throat, causing everyone else in the hall to turn and give me weird looks. Shooting them a dirty look back, I crashed my head down on my book, slamming my fist onto the table. I got an impatient ‘shush’ almost immediately afterwards. Apparently I was the only one who couldn’t study during our free periods.

Jude jumped up in shock, his eyebrows descending so far down you could barely see his stormy eyes. He took a deep breath in and sighed at me. I frowned at his preparation for this ‘sigh’ of his.

‘Really? You have to take in such a deep breath and then sigh at me? Like you’re so friggin’ disappointed? My parents should be disappointed, my mother would roll over in her grave if she was dead! I don’t want to be a princess,’ I said, almost screaming at him, the last part in a whisper. A wave of fear crossed over me, thinking of my parents, and I was suddenly shocked and hating on myself.

Now why the hell do I suddenly not want to be a princess?

Because princesses don’t have fun. Because I felt I had been robbed of fun in my childhood, and I had been. I had to sit with a pole strapped to my back so I would sit straighter. I walked around my house with books on my head for hours and always, always got pins and needles from crossing my legs at only my ankles.

Jude just gave me a bored look, and then paused to glare at anyone behind me. They must have relented because he turned back to me soon enough. No surprise there though; Jude’s glares could send Arnold Schwarzenegger running for his mummy. I gave him a weak smile of appreciation but then smushed my face back into my book, silently praying that the words would somehow flow into my brain.

I felt someone playing with my hair, tied up in a bun, pulling out wisps of the front layers. My head whipped up and round and I found myself face to face with Bolton. He surveyed me with bored eyes, the sparkle coming back to them as Kiran and Mikey joined us. There was a conspiratorial wink here, a sneaky smile there, and before Jude and I knew it our hands and mouths were covered and we were being dragged off as discretely as possible.

Discrete didn’t seem to work though, as I heard Miss Bates, a Biology teacher demand to know what was going on. Mikey protested and, being his charming self, was let off with a ‘Well, just keep it down,’ in a very flustered tone of voice from Miss Bates. I guessed no teacher wanted to get on the wrong side of an Oscar-winner’s son. You didn’t want to miss out on free tickets.

We were hauled to a closet, Bolton holding me close round the waist and Mikey and Kiran having kidnapped Jude. The two of us were thrown in, landing on the floor with a nasty ‘thwack’. Soon after, two duffel bags were shoved through the door, as well as an order; ‘Change.’

Kiran’s tone of voice was determined. I knew better than to mess with her when she sounded like that, so Jude and I just shrugged and sifted through the clothes in the bags, looking for a note or a clue to what was going on. To my dismay, all I found were clothes smelling like Kiran’s house and her lavender softener.

But hell, they were nice. I realised that I had seen them before, when I had gone shopping with Isaac’s mother. She must have sent them over to Kiran’s for some reason. I looked up and Jude was already to his feet, his long fringe flicking all over the place as he tried to button up his shirt properly. It hugged him, lengthening his body and making me feel puny.

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