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Luther catched up to her " I am sorry I shouted , it's just that I don't want to see Liam hurt " , " why were you in the forest? ".

" why do you want to know? " , " will you answer me or should I just find the answer myself? " , he sighed.

" Liam has been having trouble sleeping,  every night he'd wake up there , so I was looking into it but you blocked our way ".

She looked at him " as Alpha you're not supposed to take things personally " , " before I am an Alpha , I am human , I can't just block out things " , " you can you just don't want to ".

They carried on " tell me about your little problem " , " well about a month a go , a seer came to our pack , she demanded to see me , she told me to find my Mate or there will be consequences, I didn't take the warning seriously because,  I thought it's one of those things this pack was doing.

They have been forcing me to find her so I can finally step up.

A few days after that , children started disappearing and being found deep in the forest , they didn't remember anything they just woke up there.

It got worse when whatever it is started killing , we've been trying to see what it is but nothing.

Everyday at 2AM something comes in here and kills , and no one here's or senses anything not even the Vampires.

Luca said something makes us sleep at that time every day , I had asked him for help since they're always up at those times , but he said when the clock strikes 2 everyone just falls asleep and wakes up an hour later " Ethena nodded.

" did you see anything strange when you got here ? " , " I already know what's going on , haven't you noticed? No one has died or woke up in the forest the past two days " , " you're right we haven't had any complaints " they kept walking.

" so what's the problem? " , " nothing just stop going to the forest , spirits feed on energy " , " spirits? " She turned looking at him.

" you should read up on your history , you'll understand better , the spirits in the forest aren't just any spirits but vengeful spirits they kill because, Werewolves don't get easly possessed.

They can take the human form but the wolves won't let them in and that's why they kill , you should check on your friend you seem worried " she turned and continued walking.

Luther ran after her " but Liam , what about Liam ? " , " your friend is a seer , there's something between the creatures that is meant for him , but if I let him pass he will be swallowed by the spirits and I'd have to kill him ".

Phillips appeared infront of them , " didn't get into any trouble yet? " , " I was just looking around , I am on vacation,  I should have fun right " , " mhh but you'll have to join the academy " , " no " she kept walking.

" if you join the Academy you could be around everyone " , " I don't like crowds " , " if you go to the Academy you'll get 3 hours off without me " , " 4 " , " deal " she smiled.

" must you always be with her? " , " trust me it's for your own good , do continue your walk , see you at dinner " .

" dinner? " , " mhh the Luna invited us for dinner the elders are attending please make sure she comes " he voiced looking at Luther then walked off.

" you're not difficult to deal with are you? " , " I don't think I am , I just want to relax and enjoy my time away  , thanks for the walk I'll go back and sleep " , " you need to get registered ".

" why would I register when I'll be gone in a week or so " , " I thought you were looking for your mate " , " I am not " she walked off leaving him stand there.

But Luther followed her around from a distance watching her play with the kids , talk to the elderly.

It was like she has been here all along , Luca walked to him " whose the new girl? " , " someone passing,  what's up ? ".

" nothing I just wanted to know the update on the killing thing? Things have been quiet for the past 2 days even , I was up at 2 didn't even fall asleep " , " mhhh I'll tell you everything as soon as I find more info , will you be at dinner today ? ".

" mhh father said it was important " , " okay see you then , I am on duty " he nodded and walked off following , her around.

In the afternoon she ordered some wings and burger for both of them and they ate silently.

Steve walked to them , " Lu , your father needs you , you can go I'll watch over her " , " how's Liam ? " , " flat out after the shocks stopped " , " okay uhmm see you both at dinner ".

He said walking off , Steve sat down , " what's fun to do here? " , " we're the last people to ask for fun " , " what do you mean? " , " we're always working so we never have time to ourselves ".

" that's no fun , I am here to relax , I need fun things to do " , " maybe Luca can help " , " Luca? The Vampire? " , " mhhh he has fun all the time , I don't think the Alpha would reject you going with him " , " you're saying to ask for permission? " He nodded.

" I don't ask for permission " she stood up " if you do things your way it will make us look bad especially Luther , please just don't stir up trouble " Ethena sighed.

" tell me about him " , " who? " , " Luther " , " well , Luther is actually a very gentle person , he cares more about everyone than himself.

He stays up at night watching over the orphans at the orphanage he's worried they might be  taken away , that would tear him up.

If any of those kids got lost it would break him , his like a father to them.

He helps the elderly fetch they medication and take them to the hospital , he also makes sure they have food.

Luther does everything for everyone yet they're all ungrateful ".

" ungrateful? Why? " , " Luther hasn't found his mate , they're forcing him to be married to anyone so he can be Alpha , isn't that why you're here? " , " me? Marriage? Are you fucking with me" , " I am sorry if I upset you it's just his father has been bringing girls here for him to choose.

I thought you were one of them , with your high profile and background he would have no choice but to agree ".

" I hear you but no , that's not why I am here , I promise you , I am not even looking for my Mate let alone Marriage " she got up.

" is there a bookstore here? " He nodded and started walking to the bookstore.

Steve wasn't really a speaker , he was quiet and laid back.

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