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Later on everyone was waiting for Ethena to attend the dinner.

Everyone was already there but her , they were getting impatient.

" where is she? " The Alpha asked , " she'll be here " Phillips only said.

" how long do we wait for her ? We have more important things to do " , " so you're saying meeting me isn't equally important Lucian? " Ethena asked walking in.

" you called me by my name? " , " am I not supposed to? You are younger than me after all " , she sat down Phillips cleared his throat.

" Apologize " , " why should I? " , Ethena just chuckled " you lot are funny, till you know a person's status you have no respect for them , I hope you can take your punishment well " she started dishing up for herself and started eating.

Luca was watching every move she made " Alpha who is she? " , " this is Ethena,  Memphis daughter " they all gasped.

Lucian was nervous,  but suddenly froze they had dinner and would talk after , Ethena stood up , " thanks for dinner,  I have to go " she bowed to the Luna then walked out.

As soon as she walked out Lucian had blood coming out of his ears , eyes , he started throwing up blood.

Phillips continued with his meal as if nothing was happening,  the man started screaming as born crushing echoed in the room.

" what's wrong with him? " , " he is receiving his punishment " Phillips calmly said , " do something,  he will die " , " there is nothing I can do , only the one giving him the punishment can stop it " he said then wiped his mouth.

" the meal was lovely Luna , thank you " he bowed to her as well " why do you keep bowing to the Luna ? " , " it's not me they're respectful to but my wolf " , " shall we have that talk now? Since we're all here? " Phillips asked.

They all got up and went to the meeting room leaving Lucian to receive his punishment.

" when did Memphis have a daughter? " , " you should call and ask him that if you're so interested in that.

We are not here to humor your thoughts.

Ethena is here because of the problem you've been experiencing,  it seems she's already found the source to the problem , so we should be out of here in a week or so.

During our stay here , I'd like you all to be aware that though I am here to watch so she doesn't use her powers , she doesn't need to use them to punish anyone.

So be mindful of how you talk to her , she has quite a temper you wouldn't want to lose your family or yourself.

What Lucian is receiving is all thanks to the Luna , had she not been here , Ethena would've given him a greater punishment.

I hope we can all walk together and not overstep anything ".

Luca stood up " so what's really out there? " , " if you didn't piss off Ethena she would've told you " , " it's spirits , vengeful spirits " Luther answered getting up.

" Ethena shared this with me when , I was helping her get familiar with the place ", " spirits? " the Alpha repeated.

" yes she said , they kill because even though they can get into the human flesh the wolves won't let them control the body , with the children since they're pure , they were leading us to where the problem was.

She has created a protective shield in the forest and it has helped because for the past 2 days nothing had happened ".

" but she got here today " , " uhmm no she got here 2 days back actually " Luther answered.

" so this shield , just holds the things out? " , " again if someone hadn't pissed her off I think we could've had better answers from her than this ".

They all sighed " I'll talk to her maybe I can convince her to speak to us " , Luther voiced and walked out.

As he walked to her wing he paused seeing Liam frozen in the hallway " Liam " he called out but it was quiet.

He ran towards him and shook him " Liam " , " what? Where am I? " , " what did you see? " , " huh? " , " what did you see before walking to here? " He rubbed his head.

" I don't know , why are you here? " , " I'll explain another time come with me " they walked to the wing together and knocked.

The door swung open and they walked in " what ? " She asked sitting near the window reading a book " , " I was wondering if there's anyway I could convince you to go to the meeting with me? " , " why didn't you tell them about your friend? " , " huh? ".

" you heard me and I don't like being made stupid " , " I didn't know how I'd explain how we went to the forest , it would put Liam into questioning ".

" me? Why? " , " you opened up that portal that brought those spirits back " , " I did?  How? " , " when you took your grandfather's hand " , " that was just a dream wasn't it? " , " if it was he wouldn't be hanging onto you ".

" what do you mean hanging on to me? " , " you've been feeling tired , drained , lost of appetite,  sleep in the morning but never at night ".

" yes yes , that's exactly how I've been feeling, even my shoulders are killing me " , " come closer , you switch off the light " she pointed to Luther he did as asked.

The light from the moon shone in , Liam stood near the window and his shadow appeared.

" look at your shadow , tell me what you see " they both looked at the shadow.

" Liam " , " why are there two? " , " that's your grandfather , hanging onto you " she looked at Luther.

" as I said before you'll regret taking things personally as Alpha , your Beta and friend has a spirit clinging to him , he opened up the portal as Alpha what will you do , because that spirit will drain him until he gets the sword.

If that swords is touched by him , the possessed him it will be a problem ".

Liam looked at Luther " kill me " , " what no " , " Luther if he takes me , it will be a problem kill me ".

Ethena stood up putting her book away and walked out " where are you going? " , " the meeting room " they both followed behind her.

She got there and pulled Phillips out , she pointed at Liam " that's the problem , can we go now? " , " what do you mean ? " , " if I kill him it will all end then can we go home after that? " , Luca walked to them.

" and why is Liam being killed? " , he asked " shouldn't we be discussing this with the rest of the elders? " , " Luca , can we keep this to ourselves first I promise I'll tell you everything ".

Ethena chuckled " I wouldn't do that if I were you , do you people not read on your history? " , she walked off.

Phillips gave Luther some books , Luca walked off " read everything before you see her again , you come with me " , " why? " , " I need to watch over you ".

They walked off , Luther walked to his room and started reading as told.

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