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I'm happy it's monday, honestly, i get to see Maddy. I chuckled to myself, "What the fuck is wrong with you" Adam said, " What i can't laugh" i responded drinking water, "No ones ever this happy first period" Alex said with a groan, "I just am" I said. Lunch came and l was talking to my table when Amelia came up to me, "Hey can you help me with my locker code" she asked, "Yea sure" i said standing up, I saw Becky glare at me, i quickly grabbed Amelia to help her. Once her locker was open i leaned on the one next to her's, "Hey i don't think you should hang around Becky" i said, "Hm? why" she responded, "Trust me you dont" i said, she chuckled, "aww do you care about me" she said smirking , she's kinda cute i thought, "As if " i said, she shut the locker, "Its ok to care for me tough boy" she got closer to my face, "Are you trying to seduce me Amelia Miller" 

 "AMELIA" a voice screamed, we both looked to see Becky, "I was looking for you" she said, i could tell she was mad, she grabbed Amelia's arm and dragged her away, "Damn" i muttered, i heard footsteps behind me, when i turned around i saw a shadow run away.

After school i was on the field,  we have a game in 2 days so i have to focus, "God we finally have a game" Alex said putting on his helmet, "Yea" i said also putting on my helmet, when i walked outside i saw Maddy and her friends on the other side, even though she was wearing a hoodie with her hood on i could still recognize her, and of course her ginger friend is rooting for that soccer player. Then i heard a voice call my name, "NOAH" it was Amelia and Becky, sitting on our side, i waved to her, and began practice. After practice, Amelia came up to me, "So you wanna hangout" she said with a smile "Uh.." i looked over at the other side and still saw them, "Sorry not today" i said, i ran to the other side,  "MAAADDYYY" i screamed,  i saw her lookup then started to run down the stairs of the bleacher. i love a good chase. I saw her try to open the school door but it didn't work since school hours are over, so then she went into the changing room. When i ran into the room i couldn't find her so i took off my gear and changed into my clothes, i walked into the shower room and saw feet, i chuckled, i pulled the shower curtain to the side, "Found you" i said with a smile, "

"Damn it" she muttered, "Why the fuck were you chasing after me like a crazy person" she said i walked in the shower, "Because i wanted to see you" I said, i could tell she was avoiding me, avoiding eye contact, "Are you ok" i asked,  she pushed herself against the wall, "I'm fine" she shot back, "No you're not..your avoiding my eyes, did i do something wrong Maddy" i asked, it was quiet for a moments then she laughed putting her hand over her eyes, " i dont even know why i care" she said, "huh?" i said, "Are you and Amelia fucking" she said with a serious tone, and this time she was staring at me, i was confused, "What?"

"Are you and that girl Amelia fucking" she said, "What no i dont like her like that" i said, then i realized "Oh my god are you jealous?" i said, "What friend was wonder" she said. I looked at her and brushed my lips against her brown skin then kissed it, "Don't worry Maddy.. i can be your if you want" i said, then she pushed my faces away, "Shut the fuck up" she said, "can i hug you?" i asked, i waited for a moment then she said "Fine", I picked her up by her butt and she wrapped her legs around my torso and her around around my neck, while my face was in her chest "Your hugging real tight" i laughed, "Did you miss me that much", she smells really good like strawberries, then i heard footsteps coming in, "Are you sure they came in here"

"Louis i'm not fucking stupid i saw them", It was Maddy's friends,  "Aww its your friends" i whispered, "Just move to the side" Maddy whispeared, i moved to the corner so they wouldn't see us, she seems a little more clingy today, normally she would have just pushed me off already, is it because of Amelia. "Do you wanna come over today?" i asked, "No" she responded, "What-'"

"Just shut up" she said cutting me off, she hugged me tighter, then the curtain moved to the side, "Oh? are we interrupting something" the Ginger haired girl said, "Yea you are" i responded, she got off of me, "Don't piss me off Alice i'm not in the mood" she said  then she walked out, leaving her friends with me, "Did you do something to her you little pervert" the girl said, "What? no, she let me hug her" i responded, "Lets just go Alice" the boy said, then they left, i sat on the bench and let out a little chuckle, "i feel like i'm going crazy" I packed up and went home. When i got home it was quite, no one was home as always, then i got a text from Amelia, she was asking to come over. Maddy seemed pretty mad today, and inviting her would be bad. I'm just not gonna respond, i put my phone down to take a shower, then got dressed to eat dinner. I'm guessing shes not coming back tonight, i got up to go to bed. Next morning was really a blur the whole day all of my teammates were tense and hyped up and all l could think about was my mom showing up. After school i went to a park with Amelia, "Hey i was wondering...are you and that girl dating" she asked, "Hm? what girl"

"The one you ran to yesterday"

"Oh you mean Maddy?..nah were not dating"

"Oh! then-"

"But i can feel her warming up to me so maybe soon"

I looked to see Amelia and she seemed annoyed, "You ok?", she leaned towards me and kissed me wrapping her arms around my neck, i was shocked, then Maddys face popped into my head. I pushed her off, "I'm sorry Amelia but see you that way" 

"Oh..Um i'm gonna go" she said then walked away. Well that was interesting i mean i knew it was gonna happen, she is attractive and i haven't gotten laid in a while but, i'm so fixed on Maddy. The day finally came and it was game time, a lot of people were there, but not my mom, We meant the other team and one of the guys looked familiar. "Yo Johnny isn't that the guy you met at the party" one guy said. It was Johnny, "Oh shit it is" he said, he came up to me, "You know little white really pissed me off that night" he said, "Leave that shit outside" Alex said interrupting, i put on my helmet and walked away. The game began

We all went to our places and Adam was next to me, "Dude can you please focus this time, don't let him get to your head" he said, "Adam i'm fine". I grabbed the ball pushing through the other team, Johnny was right on my tail, So i through over to my teammate who was near the field goal, and we scored a point, the people on our side cheered.  After a while the scores were 27-27, and time was running out. I was near the field goal when Alex had the football and through it to me, i saw Johnny running to me right when the ball was coming towards me, before he could reach me. I got a touchdown. I heard screamed from our side and my teammates ran to me hugged me. I heard Johnny scream fuck as he threw his helmet on the ground. We went into the locker rooms and everyone was hyped up then coach came in, "GOOD WORK BOYS ANOTHER WIN FOR US", everyone chanted our mascot which is a wolf, "GO CELEBRATE WITH YOUR FAMILY" he said some people stayed back to change while others just went home, "I knew we were gonna win" Alex said taking off his shoulder pads, "I could feel you were doubting us Alex" Adam said with a chuckle.

They both looked at me, "Are you ok? you dont seem to happy we won" Alex said

"No no i am happy" i responded, "Alex you fucking dumbass his mom wasn't there" Adam said, "Why the FUCK would you say that right in front of him" Alex shot back they started to argue, "Guys its really nothing, l knew she wasn't gonna make it..i'm just gonna go home" i said standing up. I got into my care and drove.

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