Just the two of us

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"HE WON FUCK YEA" I stood up from my couch while on a call with Louis and Alice, "You know you should be happy i went here for you" Alice said from the phone, "Yea yea thanks Alice" I responded, "You could have just went" Louis said, while eating popcorn, "Well no..i didn't want to stay after school" i responded picking up my phone, "Ughhh" Louis groaned. I heard my doorbell ring, "Someone's at my door" i whispered "Don't open it" Alice said, "No open it maybe its like your mom" Louis said, "My mom's working all night and she would have her keys dumbass". I walked up to my door and looked through my peephole, "Oh? its..Noah" i said, "NOAH!?" they both screamed. I opened the door, to see him standing there holding a bag, "What are you doing here" i said. He grabbed my face and kissed me, I heard Alice ask what's happening from the phone, he parted from my lips and looked at me, "MADELINE?" Alice screamed, i hung up from the phone and grabbed his face to kiss him again, he shut the door from behind him and dropped his bag, he put his hands on my waist traling to my ass. He seemed very desperate he wasn't even letting go for air, i tapped his back, he broke the kiss with a gasp of air, we were both out of breath.

"Why are you here" i said, "Because i wanted to see you" he responded and groped my ass, "I heard you won" i responded grabbing his hand and taking it off, "You watched my game" he said in an excited tone, "No...my friend just told me" i said, "Are you staying over? because i don't want you too" 

"Don't worry this is just my football bag...lets just go to your room" he said, he grabbed me by the waist and through me on his shoulder. We got into my room and he through me on the bed and got on top of me, i thought he was gonna do something but instead he just laid on me, "Are you ok?" i asked, he didn't respond, i hesitated but i put my hand on his head and stroked it. He smelled like sweat it was disgusting but he was to heavy to push off, so i just stayed there. it was kinda nice. We stayed like that for a while probably like an hour. "Are you awake?" i asked, he pulled his head up, "You thought i fell asleep" he chuckled, "No you were just really quite..are you hungry" i asked, "Yea kinda" he responded getting up, "And you smell of sweat" i groaned, "Do you want me to take a shower?" he asked, "You have no clothes to change into" i responded, "Yea i do in the bag" he said. Of course he does. I gave he a towel and he got into my shower and i pulled out food my mom made last night, and warmed it up. l opened my phone and saw i got a lot of messages from the gc

Louis: There fucking


Louis: why else would he be there

Madeline: We didn't fuck


Louis: you didn't?

Madeline: No he kinda just took me to the bed and he laid on me for an hour

Louis: That's weird 

 Madeline: yea thats what i thought 

Madeline: And then he took a fucking shower and has spare clothes in his bag

Alice: He's gonna spend night?

Madeline: FUCK NO

I heard his footsteps coming down the stairs, i turned off my phone "So no shirt?" i said, "i tried to look for one but they were all uncomfortable" responded said. Thats a fucking lie."Well heres food my mom made" i said while putting some out myself, we sat down together at the table, "Hey what happened between you and that kid Johnny" he asked, "Johnny? oh he just cheated on me" i responded, "There has to be more than that" he said, of course there is but why would i tell you, "Please tell me" he said, "Why does it even matter"

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