The day

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Madeline: Its so boring over here

Louis: It sucks u got paired with them

Louis: you have the worst luck

Madeline: I know right

Alice: wait is it true that his mom has a dildo collection 


Madeline: And Louis can you come pick me up since u live close to him

Louis: ok and Alice is here anyway so she'll come

 I giggled at my phone while doing my part of the project. I mean i finished my part because it was fucking easy, but there taking there sweet as time and thats entertaining for me. "What are you so giggly about" Becky said looking at me.  I stood up, "I got to go anyway" 

"W-Wait what about your work" Noah said also standing up, "I finished it already" i said putting on my bag and leaving. I waited outside for Louis when i felt a hug. "You didnt even say bye" Noah said smiling. My heart started to beat. "Well, bye" I said looking at my phone. 
"Are you mad at me because of what happened" he said, "Yes but no..i just really want to go home" i said, i felt kinda sad for a moment. He looked at me and hugged me, tight, and i hugged back. We stayed like that until Louis came (about 10 minutes). I let go and waved bye to him as i got into the car. He waved back. Louis drove off. "SO? What was that" he asked.  Alice looked at me "Yea it looks like we were interrupting something" she said giggling. "SHHH" I said. "Lets talk about something else" i groaned. "OK, WELL IM DATING THE SOCCER BOY" She cheered, me and louis started to laugh, "Finally" I said giggling. We went to Louis house and hung out. The next day i went to school. Today was hot, everyone smelled like BO, it was disgusting. "Everyone smells like shit" Alice said fanning herself. Louis fanned himself with his hand. "God i hate summer" Louis said groaning. "We have like 16 more days left of school" i said. "Only 16?" Alice said shocked. I nodded. The teacher walked in and started the lesson. At lunch we were outside in the HEAT. Look at Alices boyfriend. I looked over at the other court to see the football players also practicing. Some had there shirts off on how hot it was.

 I was to busy looking for Noah that he snuck up on me. "Who you looking for" he said behind me. We all jumped. "I knew i smelled BO" Louis said looking at Noah. "Ewww your all sweaty" Alice said scooting away. "Ew" i said backing away. "You guys are so mean" He said sitting in the open stop. "Hey i have something to tell you" he said looking at me. "Wha-". We heard someone scream. One of the boys were chasing girls with there sweaty shirts. "NOAH COME ON" Adam said. He got closer to me and kissed me on my neck, "We need to talk later meet me here after school" he whispered in my ear and ran back down to Adam. i felt my heart drop. What could it be? Alice sat next to me, "What did he say"

"he wanted me to meet him here after school"

"UGHHH. Just hurry up because you know todays Friday so its scary movie day" Louis said getting up as the bell rings. 'I know, i know" i replied also standing up.  After school i went back to the bleachers. I was getting kinda nervous so i decided to get up but then i heard him. 'Where you going". I turned around. I saw him sit down on the bench and pat the seat next to him. I sighed and sat next to him. From a distant. "Your so far" he said scooting over. It was awkward for a while, we were just looking at the field. "Why'd you call me here if you're not gonna talk" i said. He looked at me. And he looked serious. "Madeline". He called me my name. "I like you" his words felt unreal. I mean i suspected it. But. He actually said it. Noah likes me. "Did you hear me?" He said. I looked up at him. "W-What?"

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