I love you

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"I liked you Madeline" 

"You're lying...is this a prank"


"At first i did just wanna get back at you for messing me up but. Then i just couldn't get you off my mind"

"I love you". Once i heard those words i stood up. I ran down the stairs and exited the school. Alice and Louis were there waiting for me. 'So what happened?" Louis said. I got in to the car. "Lets just go." I said as they got into the car. I saw Noah running yelling my name, but Alice drove off. At her house we got popcorn and candy in a bowl and put on Scream. As the movie played Alice and Louis kept complaining on what they would do if they were in the movie. Like every other horror movie they complain about. I kept replaying what Noah said. I should have ran away. I mean i dont know if i like him. But whenever i do see him my heart starts to race. I felt my phone buzz over and over. I looked at it. And it was Noah.

Noah: Did i do something wrong?

Noah: I'm sorry i shouldn't have said that

Noah: please answer 

I turned off my phone, and sighed. "SO ARE YOU GONNA TELL US WHAT HAPPEND" Alice said pausing the movie. "I CAN FEEL YOUR WORRIED ABOUT SOMETHING" she said facing me. "He said that he liked me..." i said "Do you like him?"


"I could tell that he liked you when he first spoke to you.." Louis said. "He would always be looking for you and wondering if your ok, and whenever he felt sad he immediately went to you instead of his friends or family Madeline. I think he genuinely likes you." he said

"But do you like him" Alice added on. "I need to think about it" I said grabbing the remote and unpausing the movie. I saw Alice and Louis look at each other. "You know were not gonna stop until you make up your mind" She said with a smirk then turned back to the TV. I decided to sleep over by her house. Every time we do this i borrow Alices clothes and Louis already plans to stay over. In the morning, I heard Alices mom downstairs. I heard Louis groan as he sat up. "She's always so loud" he said. I saw up and checked my phone, to see 100 messages form Noah. I put my phone on DND and stood up. "I smell pancakes she's making pancakes" I said opening the door.


I woke up the next morning hoping that she would answer. And she didn't. She put her phone on DND. I fucked up. Why I did i say that. I rolled over on my back putting my hands on my face. I fucked up. My mom walked into the room opening my curtains. 

"Come on lets go to the beach" she said smiling, 'i'm not in the mood" i said rolling to my side. She grabbed my sheet and pulled it off me, "COME ON IM IN THE MOOD" she said.  She ended up dragging me to the beach. The drive was long and hot. But when we got there the water was nice and cold. My mom stayed on land tanning while i was in the water. It was kinda boring being there by myself when i heard a familiar voice call me, "Noah!" i turned around to see Amelia. 

"I didn't know you were gonna be here" she said smiling, She was wearing a very revealing  bikini. "Yea im here with my mom" i said pointing at the beach, "You wanna hangout with me because i also have no one to talk to bc im also here with family" she said shielding the sun from her face. I shrugged "sure". We spent time splashing water on each other, having swimming contest and other stupid kid stuff. "I'm hungry..WE SHOUDL GET ICIES" she said running out the water. After getting them we sat on the sand eating. This guy cat called her and she shot back, it was surprising to see, i giggled. "What are you giggling about" she said smiling. "Nothing..its just that the moreI hangout with you the more i get to know you" i said looking at her. I saw her bite her lip and she put her icy down and grabbed my hand making my drop mine and pulled me into a empty place at the beach and started kissing me. I kissed back. I don't know why i did. I dont even like her like that. We ended up making for a long time, she was trying to grind on me trying to make me hard but it wasnt working. We went back and my mom was telling me to come.

"Oh! my mom is calling me" i said looking at her, She smiling at be and waved, "Bye~". I walked back to my mom. We started walking back tot he car. "Who was that girl" she asked. "Oh it was someone from my school"

"Are you too dating?"

"No, i dont like her like that"

"Then why'd you guys take so long" she said pulling out her phone revealing a timer. (20 min)


"You know i thought you had a thing with one girl...what was her name?"


"Yea her..what happened"

"I told her i liked her yesterday and she ran away from me, and hasn't responded to any of my text"

"So you hook up with another girl , that you dont even like?".

I stayed quiet

"That seems kinda cocky Noah" she said putting all the beach stuff in the car as i was helping her. I didn't even think of it when i was in the moment. After the weekend it was finally Monday and she still hasn't respond. While i walked into school Amelia immediately wrapped her arm around mines. "So what are you doing after school" she said smiling. "Oh..um i'm not really doing anything, maybe i'll hangout with Adam" i said pulling my arm away. I saw Madeline and was about to go to her when she walked away. I expected it but she seemed mad at me. 

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